Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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You know the kind of toothbrush holder that has four holes in the top, so the average American family can share it? That's the type Doug and I have in the master bath.

Two toothbrushes, four holes. Lots of space to stake a claim. Perfect, right?

When I place my wet toothbrush in the holder, I put it directly opposite his, with the bristles facing out, on the side closest to my sink. Kind of like when I turn away from him in a queen-sized bed, and prefer to face my end table.

When Doug puts his brush away, he snuggles it into the vacant hole right next to my brush, even if mine is still dripping wet, and he points the bristles squarely in my direction.

What's more, I am gathering evidence that he even turns my brush's bristles to face his so they're nearly touching, almost kissing.

It kind of freaks me out. It's like our toothbrushes have boundary issues.

The thing is, our toothbrushes are identical, having been free gifts from the dentist in exchange for giving him our retirement money every six months. Sometimes, if they're nestled too close together in their little spot, I cannot tell them apart. The older they get, the closer they come to resemble each other, even though he is much harder on his than I am on mine.

My little brush struggles in vain to hang onto its identity. They're a great couple, but sometimes this oneness thing can be overwhelming.

There's a brand new purple toothbrush in the linen closet that I'm thinking of using. If I do, I'll sidle it up nice and close to that white one in the next hole over, and lose my fear of confusing one with the other.

And then I'll hop in bed and roll to the middle to kiss the man I love.

Posted by Katy on 10/21/03 at 02:15 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. My husband was completely unaware of my toothbrush hang-ups until he read this. I should tell you that he says he makes no conscious decision to place his brush in any particular hole (namely, the one closest to my brush). It just happens. So.
    Posted by katy  on  10/21/03  at  02:45 PM
  2. Things the daughter doesn't care to read about....kissing toothbrushes.
    Posted by Carrie  on  10/21/03  at  11:23 PM
  3. How I do enjoy this site. Yes, I do. Just thought I'd tell you. =)
    Posted by Amber  on  10/22/03  at  12:05 AM
  4. Carrie, honey--I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but it's better than hearing it on the street. ;)

    Amber--Thanks for commenting! I've been enjoying your site just now. Tell me, what is this book you're writing? (If you don't mind sharing.) You are an accomplished writer!
    Posted by katy  on  10/22/03  at  07:17 AM
  5. I'm sorry but this is the stuff I dream about for my future marriage. The silly stuff like toothbrushes and bath towels. Thank you for reminding me of all the wonderful fun little things I have to look forward to. :) And for my two cents worth, you and Doug are one of my favorite couples....but I don't think of Katy Raymond as any less of an individual.
    Posted by hanna  on  10/22/03  at  08:59 AM
  6. Since Doug doesn't put his brush in a particular spot (or so he says!), one must wonder what your toothbrushed are up to in the middle of the night... :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  10/22/03  at  12:27 PM
  7. Ooops...meant "toothbrushes".
    Posted by Bridget  on  10/22/03  at  12:27 PM
  8. Hanna, Oh, yeah, that's marriage, all right! And don't forget shower curtains (placed so they actually keep the water off the floor), toilet seats, toilet paper, etc. And that's just the bathroom! These are the things that keep a couple communicating! Miss you, Hanna girl.
    Posted by katy  on  10/22/03  at  01:26 PM
  9. Bridget, Well. My sentiments exactly. These days, a toothbrush can't be too careful.
    Posted by katy  on  10/22/03  at  01:27 PM
  10. Katy, thanks for your kind words. I'm currently working on a memoir of sorts. So much has already happened in my short 23 years that friends tell me I should get down in some form of writing. So, although I have no idea why anyone would want to read it, I finally decided to comply.
    Posted by Amber  on  10/22/03  at  03:56 PM
  11. My wonderful husband has a funny habit too. Every night before we go to sleep, he makes sure our eye glasses are on the counter touching each other. They sleep together every night! He makes sure of it. My wonderful husband! :)
    Posted by juliannasamoff  on  10/22/03  at  08:35 PM
  12. Amber, I figure if more than one person says "write it down!", you should definitely be doing it! Do it while you're young, girl! (One book will lead to many, I'm thinking.)
    Posted by katy  on  10/23/03  at  07:00 AM
  13. Julianna, OK. I don't know when I've ever read anything better than this. I exclaimed so loudly over your comment (at 6:30 am) that Doug came running from three rooms away to see what had happened! He still claims to be unaware of his toothbrush's romantic intentions, but I know different. Women just know.
    Hang on to Tim! He knows how to make a girl happy she wears glasses!
    Posted by katy  on  10/23/03  at  07:04 AM
  14. what a lovely post, such good writing!
    Posted by Kelly  on  10/23/03  at  11:53 AM
  15. Thanks for the encouragement, Katy. I really couldn't stop writing if I wanted to. It's in my bones.
    Posted by Amber  on  10/23/03  at  01:37 PM
  16. Awww... Now I'm all embarrassed! :/
    Posted by timsamoff  on  10/23/03  at  01:49 PM
  17. hee hee...oh, the issues of married life...we have a towel war in our bathroom, where the large hand towel keeps getting used to dry a certain someone off after a shower, or worse, stepped on after said shower. but don't worry about us, there is snuggling to make up for bathroom feuding ;)
    Posted by lisa  on  10/23/03  at  11:18 PM
  18. Kelly, Thanks for visiting here. Now I'm off to check out your site!

    Amber, A girl must do what she must do! Go forward, young woman!

    Tim, Yeah. I thought about the embarassment thing after I gushed about you. I should think earlier in the process, huh? ;)

    Lisa, Towels can be a sore subject. Doug has an aversion to getting the bath mat wet when he steps out of the shower. I do not understand this, since I believe that's why God made bath mats. Anyway, to prevent the mat from becoming moist, he often grabs a towel to protect the mat. Of course, it's not his towel, since it is otherwise occupied. It is my towel. But, as the Scripture says, love covers a multitude of sins. I just wish that my towel covered only my body!

    Posted by katy  on  10/25/03  at  08:36 AM
  19. fun post. i echo hanna's sentiments: something to look forward to!
    Posted by jenn d  on  10/25/03  at  03:06 PM
  20. Oh, yeah, Jenn. As the saying goes, "All this, and heaven, too." You know what's funny? My hubby thought this was the weirdest post I've ever written, and was so surprised at the number of comments. I enjoy fooling him.
    Posted by katy  on  10/25/03  at  03:58 PM
  21. But who are we if we are not transparent? We shouldn't have to think about things like embarassment or showing our feelings or being openly and uninhibitedly honest, right? (Actually, I was the one who was gushing after my wife said all of those nice things!)
    Posted by timsamoff  on  10/26/03  at  03:49 PM
  22. Tim, Oh, dear. I feel another gush coming on. You are a role model for the young men of America, if not the world. Definitely the church. Oh, my. Much affection to your sweet wife! (Hey, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But when I link to your site from your comment, I just get your profile, but not your actual blog. I cannot for the life of me get there...help!
    Posted by katy  on  10/27/03  at  08:54 AM
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