Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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One Way to Meet Your Neighbors

Your house is not in Kansas any more.Not all the news is bad in Kansas City tonight, though they're already saying these are the worst tornados here since the ones in the late 1950s.

One man followed tornado precautions to a tee. He went alone to the basement of his home in Wyandotte County, never imagining--if he's like most guys in the basement--that he wouldn't be able to climb back up without help.

His home blew away. His neighbors came checking, and they pulled him from the debris without a single scratch.

"Those were the sweetest voices I've ever heard," he said.

Beauty from ashes.
Posted by Katy on 05/04/03 at 07:17 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. i was driving from lawrence to topeka yesterday late afternoon in the midst of all the severe weather reports and warnings...the explosions of white clouds, general electricity in the air, and my extreme tiredness after not much sleep the night before made for a rather surreal trip. i did think of you, katy, and hoped you and yours were not in the path of that storm!

    Posted by lisa  on  05/05/03  at  07:45 PM
  2. Lisa, Glad you're OK! We were fine, though my sis in Warrensburg was a little too close. She's OK, though. When Kev gets home from school today, I expect he'll have stories about losses of friends, since most of his buds live in Wyandotte County. Freaky stuff, huh?
    Posted by katy  on  05/05/03  at  08:21 PM
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