Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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On the Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue…

OK, I've never been to DC before, and I have to admit walking along the newly-reopened-to-pedestrians Pennsylvania Avenue, and seeing the White House up close and personal, was pretty darned thrilling.

I'm glad we went over the lunch hour, though. A couple hours later, things got pretty hectic over there. First, a guy yelling "Allah, Allah, Allah!" set himself on fire right where we'd been walking, and then a second man jumped the fence onto the White House lawn.

We didn't see the Secret Service guys, but they were sure there, huh?

Posted by Katy on 11/15/04 at 06:01 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. You two are in DC? Lovely. Well timed I might add. (Low crowdage). But I had just been hoping to ring you up tomorrow and tease you into starbucks. Would have been nice. Perhaps Kev and I can set up an 'animal house' style party instead. We'll cap it off by joining the army. Teach you to go to DC without telling me. First.
    Posted by cro  on  11/16/04  at  05:21 AM
  2. Oh, for heaven's sake! Please restrain your handsome self from leading my innocent baby down the primrose path, if you don't mind! Sheesh...(You could call to check up on him, though, make sure he's doing his homework and all that.)

    Yes, we do need to get together! I don't like the feeling of even beginning to lose touch with you and the guys. Party at the Raymond's? (AFTER we get back from DC...)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/17/04  at  01:17 AM
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