Okay, Some Things Are Just Too Freaky For Words, And Yet I Write Them Anyway
Doug and I RARELY watch the national news, on any station.
Tonight I turned it on, and was NOT paying attention as I worked on my computer at the same time. It was purely background noise. Doug was working also, in the same room. I’m not sure he even realized I’d turned on the tube.
I just so happened to land on the CBS NATIONAL NEWS, too unmotivated to even flip channels. Out of the corner of my consciousness, I heard the broadcaster say, “When we come back, we’ll look at how evangelical Christians in a swing state might be voting in the presidential election.”
I thought, “Ho-hum, could I be more bored? OK, I won’t turn it off quite yet.”
After the commercial break, the broadcaster said, “We’re going to take a look at evangelical voters in the swing state of Missouri.”
My ears perked up. I said to Doug, “Hey, they’re going to talk about Missouri.” At which point, he turned around from his desk to watch.
- The next thing we knew, they flashed a picture of the outside of Scott, Brooke, and Kevin’s church, with the name “Jacob’s Well” underneath. I yelled, “Doug, it’s Jacob’s Well, on NATIONAL news.”
Then they showed the inside of the church, during an actual service, with Tim Keel preaching (the wonderful man who officiated at Scott and Brooke’s wedding).
THEN the camera turned on the congregation and there was our son SCOTT! About six people on the screen and he was right THERE! One of the weirdest experiences I’ve EVER had, since WE DON’T EVEN WATCH THE CBS NEWS!!!!
We immediately called Scott, who doesn’t own a TV, to tell him what we’d just seen. “Well,” he said, ever the philosopher, “maybe you should watch national news more often.”
So I’m here to tell you: If any of you get a hankerin’ to see one of those adult kids of yours, maybe checking out the national news is just the ticket. It worked for us!
Posted by
Katy on 08/02/08 at 10:08 PM
Fallible Comments...
- BTW, the girl who appears to be sitting next to Scott is actually one row in front of him, I believe. Boo-hoo that Brooke and Kevin didn't make it into the picture. Oh, well. I'll keep watching TV...
Posted by Katy on 08/03/08 at 10:58 AM
- Very cool!
Posted by Deb on 08/03/08 at 11:23 PM
- That is so cool, Katy! Congrats on seeing your kids make it to television fame. Blessings!
Posted by Gracie on 08/04/08 at 01:24 AM
- How do such fun (and funny) things always happen to you? That is so wild! What a great experience--and a great story!
Posted by D'Ann Mateer on 08/04/08 at 01:50 AM
- Katy girl, you need to incorporate that into a novel...what a funny experience!
Posted by Lisa Jordan on 08/05/08 at 11:14 AM
- What a wonderful experience. As for me...well, I shudder to think where national television might find my son.......
Posted by christa allan on 08/09/08 at 02:14 AM
- weybfmpj http://uvlvnvcb.com lyrtqnsw vhnmejqg
Posted by medajmpr on 09/09/08 at 03:07 AM
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