Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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OK, I’m Hyperventilating Just A Little Bit Here

It has come to my attention that I’m addicted to email. And (gee thanks, Al Gore!) the Internet in general. Evidently, this addiction is interfering with my commitment to finish my novel, if the fact that my novel isn’t finished is any indication.

So. At 9 am Kansas City time—12 short minutes from now!—Doug is going to disconnect me from the Internet until (if I am able to restore my shattered breathing to normal without medical intervention) 11 am. Two hours, people. I haven’t attempted anything like this since I got my iBook, coming up on three years.

Please pray for me. I will need all the strength heaven can bestow.

I’ll see you on the other side. If there *is* another side.

Posted by Katy on 02/16/07 at 08:44 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. You can do it, Katy. Really.
    (I hope you're not off reading the book you won at Vicki's blog - I'm jealous!)
    Posted by Photo Buffet  on  02/16/07  at  01:26 PM
  2. HI Katy,

    For those of us who are dedicated readers of fallible, we must know - did you survive??? Is there life without the internet? Or did this addiction lose its hold the moment you started in on your novel? ....and so the suspense continues....can Katy write both a blog and a novel ans surf the internet?.....(Jeopary theme song) hopefully the answer will be forthcoming shortly!!

    Now you know why I don't write too often Katy - much love to you!

    Posted by Nancy Wood  on  02/16/07  at  02:05 PM
  3. Did you make it?!?

    I'm a little worried - I would have expected you to have left a comment by now to indicate that you survived...

    or maybe you're not as addicted as you think!
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  02/16/07  at  06:58 PM
  4. I'm addicted, too. Maybe I should go to La Madeleine and write, they have no internet and they have coffee with free refills...
    Posted by Suzan  on  02/17/07  at  08:16 AM
  5. Photo Buffet Bonnie--I did it! Two hours. Got some good writing done, BUT...

    Nancy--Found out the the "airport" my computer networks with for wifi is completely unnecessary! It sits on Doug's desk. He unplugged it, thinking that would effectively give me neither a wi nor a fi to call my own and...

    Chris(tine)--No matter what he did, I was still connected!!! Bizarre. So I had to turn off my own wifi, and trust myself not to turn it back on no matter how ragged the hyperventilation became and believe you me...

    Suzan--I could barely breathe. But I survived. And I was productive. I am going to try to do this for at least 2 hours every work day. Disconnect. I may need a few fresh lunch bags on hand, but the breathlessness will pass, don't you think?

    All in all, a good experience. One I will repeat. Maybe THIS is how *real* authors do it!!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/17/07  at  01:49 PM
  6. Katy, I so can identify... the Internet is a HUGE distraction, and a boon to the procrastinator. Many a time I've sat in front of the computer to blog or write an article, only to be sidetracked by reading other people's blogs, reading email, answering email, and all sorts of other stuff. If I'm ever going to write a book, I'll probably have to do it the old-fashioned way, with pen & paper -- such is my affliction!
    Posted by Sunflower  on  02/18/07  at  02:39 AM
  7. Are you writing in long hand? I know a couple of other writers who deal with the distraction that way--the creative stuff is done with pen & paper.
    Posted by Terri Lowry  on  02/18/07  at  04:57 PM
  8. Sunflower--Pen and paper, huh? Might just be a plan! See the comment by Terri Lowry, my college creative writing instructor....

    Terri!--So much fun to see you here! I've now visited your blog and caught up. I think of you so often, and count you among my most encouraging teachers. As of tomorrow, I may get a LOT of writing done on my computer. Both the Wi and the Fi are getting turned off. No mo Internet for me, for 40 days. We'll see what happens....
    Posted by Katy  on  02/20/07  at  01:47 PM
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