Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Yesterday, my 87-year-old mother-in-law had surgery bright and early. Which meant that Doug and I pulled out of the garage for our long ride into the city just a few seconds past O’Dark-Thirty.

We were both so terribly groggy from getting essentially no sleep that we were startled by the magnificent display, behind our house, of gorgeous Caribbean colors lighting up the horizon. Oranges and aquas and purples—-fantastic!

But something wasn’t right, and it only took me an instant to figure it out.

As Doug drove, I pointed way past him to the other side of the road and said, “Wait. Don’t all those pretty colors usually happen over THERE?”

To think that otherwise mature adults have actually asked us to be their Durable Powers of Attorney.

Posted by Katy on 04/17/09 at 10:57 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. The both so terribly groggy from getting essentially no sleep that we were startled by the magnificent display, behind our house, of gorgeous Caribbean colors lighting up the horizon.
    Posted by Tuxedo  on  06/19/09  at  11:01 PM
  2. I must have missed most of this question, but…is the child inpatient before the surgery? if so, then make sure you are up bright and early.
    Posted by wavefront lasik  on  06/17/10  at  01:01 AM
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