Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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ProlificDoug is designing a website for my lovely author friend, who's published eight or nine books, and has several more in the pipeline. I only envy her a little, really.

"I should have books, shouldn't I?" I wistfully ask him, as I watch him work in Photoshop.

"Mm-hmmm..." he says, as supportive as ever.

"Instead, I have a big butt."

No wonder he's speechless.
Posted by Katy on 04/15/03 at 08:46 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I'm gonna have to put you on my 'Do not read while taking a sip of water' list. *g*
    Posted by Gette  on  04/16/03  at  02:26 AM
  2. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have linked your Apr 8 post "Warm and warmer" and your Feb 26 post "True believer" on my blog, yesterday's entry (Apr 15). I enjoy your writing, and your accounts of your marriage and children warm my heart. Thank you so much!
    Posted by ping  on  04/16/03  at  03:01 AM
  3. instead? i don't think it's either/or, katy...you just keep on keepin' on with your thoughts and keyboard AND with that BFL...surely in no time...
    Posted by lisa  on  04/16/03  at  09:13 AM
  4. LOL!!
    Posted by bethany  on  04/16/03  at  04:34 PM
  5. You know, some women would rather have a big butt than have published books! Tsk tsk tsk! ;)
    Posted by Maria  on  04/16/03  at  06:41 PM
  6. Katy, I love your writings. Esp. how you describe your husband...just makes me chuckle. I must confess I started reading your blog because my husband put your site on MY blog as "other blogs I read". Since it was on there, I figured I'd better not lie, but actually start reading your blog. That was a couple weeks ago, and now I'm HOOKED. Thanks, hubby!
    Posted by Emily  on  04/17/03  at  05:25 PM
  7. You ladies (is Gette a lady?) make blog-keeping a fun occupation. And I would much rather have a big blog than a big butt. Tee, hee.
    Posted by katy  on  04/17/03  at  06:21 PM
  8. Yes I am! ...last time I checked anyway.
    Posted by Gette  on  04/20/03  at  07:02 PM
  9. Gette, Welcome! (Of course, you would be welcome if you weren't a woman, too, but the big butt discussion might not mean as much to you.)
    Posted by katy  on  04/21/03  at  08:40 AM
  10. katy, i actually laughed out loud -- i've become a fan of your musings -- keep it up!
    Posted by marilyn  on  08/04/03  at  10:53 PM
  11. Page 1 of 1 pages
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