Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Now That’s A Guinness

Os Guinness - The CallIf you ever get the opportunity to hear Os Guinness speak in person, take it. Each word in every sentence is like a piece of a poem--so precisely chosen as to gleam in its apparent effortlessness. A thirty minute presentation delivers more meaning than many people express in a lifetime.

Until you get the chance, I recommend you read "Long Journey Home" and "The Call." I've only just begun them myself, but my intention is to end up with a changed life.

I love it when that happens.
Posted by Katy on 02/24/03 at 06:09 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I read "The Call" a few years ago. Great book.
    Posted by Ellen  on  02/25/03  at  02:42 AM
  2. good old os. last year when i was in the high school sunday school at my church, we did a study from his book "the journey." it was quite good, and now the women's bible study my mom teaches is going through it. i learned a lot about some different philosophies, and we also came away with a neat catchphrase from the book: "the question we must ask ourselves is, 'is it so?'" :)
    Posted by bethany  on  02/25/03  at  08:51 AM
  3. Ellen, Did reading The Call lead you to go overseas? Should I worry? Just kidding.<br><br>Bethany, Wow. What a great study for high schoolers! I think my kids' youth groups haven't been nearly as philosophically stimulating! Thanks for the new catchphrase--it's a keeper.
    Posted by katy  on  02/25/03  at  08:59 PM
  4. os guinness spoke a couple years ago at my school. he's a very intriguing speaker.
    Posted by lisa e.  on  02/26/03  at  07:01 AM
  5. katy, yes, it was more intellectually challenging than your typical youth group fare. i think there were an equal number of people who enjoyed the mental stimulation as those who felt it was over their heads. ah well. it was good to have something for once not aimed at the teen "hot topics" of drugs/sex/rock and roll/parents/peer pressure. :)
    Posted by bethany  on  02/26/03  at  08:07 AM
  6. No - I had already been overseas and back when I read it. <br><br>The idea that stuck with me from the book is that our primary calling is NOT our vocation - i.e. businessman, teacher, doctor, mother, etc. but that our primary calling is to follow Jesus. That journey of following him is just that - a journey. It's dynamic, not static, and as you follow him your "secondary" (i.e. vocational, etc.) callings can change over the years.<br><br>Anyway, that's the gist of what I understood from the book.
    Posted by Ellen  on  02/26/03  at  11:51 AM
  7. Bethany, I heard him speak on Sunday, and he was a bit over my head, too. Not that I didn't completely understand what he was saying, just that I'd never thought a lot of it myself, so I had to pay attention. No zoning out allowed!<br><br>Ellen, Yes. That's the message I'm getting, too. And it is a distinction that other teachers on the subject of "calling" don't make. (the one between primary calling--in response to God--and secondary calling--choosing a vocation as a result of the primary calling. Such a crucial distinction!
    Posted by katy  on  02/26/03  at  06:09 PM
  8. And to think I thought from your headline you were talking about Scottish ale?! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  02/27/03  at  11:02 AM
  9. Bridgie, Same Guinness family, from what I understand. JV met the man at a luncheon last week, and he named the county in Ireland his people are from, but he was actually born in China to medical missionaries. Educated at Oxford, so speaks with a decided British accent, not Irish.
    Posted by katy  on  02/27/03  at  04:45 PM
  10. Os Guinness is a wonderful speaker and teacher, he not only offers incredibly well-studied insights about history and society, he's also offered much freedom for people all over to follow Christ, and to live according to their individual "calling", in a way that is liberating and with vitality.. the glory of God is a person fully alive!
    Posted by djchuang  on  03/07/03  at  09:21 AM
  11. Thank you, DJ. You are so right. The glory of God is a person fully alive. "Awake, sleeper, and Christ will shine on you!" (I really like your website.)
    Posted by katy  on  03/08/03  at  10:43 AM
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