Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Novel Experience

mark-upI hit send last night to email my marked-up version of the full-length novel I was hired to edit two weeks ago. (Let this serve as my excuse for my dearth of blogging!)

Wow! What a great experience this has been. The story is good--really good--and this first-time novelist is to be commended for his imagination, skillful handling of dialogue, and competent plot construction. All he needed was a good editor, which is exactly what every writer needs. I hope I've been that for him.

In the process, I've realized I'm a fairly competent writer, too, and that I'd better be about it. As usual, time's a wastin'.

When you're almost fifty, it wastes a lot faster than it used to.
Posted by Katy on 03/17/03 at 06:24 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. and i thought it was bad at thirty...
    Posted by lisa  on  03/18/03  at  12:26 PM
  2. oh, and congrats on the experience...i know it was great for you...
    Posted by lisa  on  03/18/03  at  09:28 PM
  3. Lisa, It WAS bad at thirty. It's just that it's worse at fifty!! (Sorry.)
    Posted by katy  on  03/19/03  at  09:43 AM
  4. What's the name of the book and the author?
    Posted by Hank  on  05/20/03  at  10:13 AM
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