Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Nothing But Time

Because Mom’s been in the ER twice in the past three weeks, her primary doc’s nurse gave me a little call. His office got the reports from the hospital, and she realized it had been a while since Mom had been in for a check-up.

You know how it is: Everybody wants a piece of the action. I told Nurse Mary that I’d have to call Mom to see when she was available.

“She got furious with me once when I made an appointment on her behalf and then let her know afterwards. She says she has to check her calendar. I’ll call you back after I talk to her.”

The ensuing conversation with my mother took thirty full minutes. I could have driven to her place, checked out her calendar, and driven back home in that length of time.

“Doctor wants to see you this next week,” I said.


“Just a follow-up to the ER visits. And it’s been quite a while since you were there.”

“I’ll have to look at my calendar.”

{Insert ten minutes worth of creaking bed noises, dropping of phone noises, groans, stumbling on carpet noises, more groans, turning of pages noises.}

“You know, I have four calendars on my coffee table.”

“Yeah, I know. That could be a problem.”

“The Savings and Loan sent me one. Then your sister gave me one from her bank. The Channel 41 weatherman passed them out at the Price Chopper. And one of the grandkids gave me one for Christmas.”

“Do you write in all of them?”

“Pretty much. Now that I’ve stopped giving birthday presents to everyone in the family, though, my calendars aren’t quite as full.”

I’ll say. As the matriarch of a family of nearly forty people, she averaged three birthdays per month. Plus anniversaries, graduations, weddings, and the WAY too complicated month-long project called Christmas. It was too much for her to keep up with.

Still, if I tell her I’m picking her up on a certain day at a certain time, she doesn’t write it down. And even if she did write it down, she wouldn’t think to look at it.

“Next week will work, then? Just name the time and I’ll pick you up.”

“OK, I see here that I’m free in July.”

“Well…that’s nice. Turn the calendar back two pages to May.”

“Why? What date is this?”

“This is May 18.”

“OK, I’m on May 8. There’s nothing going on. I can go today.”

“This is Friday, May 18. And it’s 3 in the afternoon. Too late to go today. Let’s look at the week of May 21, next week.”

“I’m not free again until July.”

“What are you doing until then?”

“Isn’t Carrie’s wedding at the end of June?”

She had this on her mind, as she would have just received her invitation in the mail.

“Yes. June 30.”

“After that, I’m available. Anytime in July.”

All I can say is, thank God it’s not an emergency.

Posted by Katy on 05/20/07 at 04:37 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. At least Carrie's wedding is that big of a deal to her! That's pretty awesome.
    Posted by Aithyne  on  06/16/07  at  12:54 AM
  2. Hi, Aithyne--Yes, Mom is pretty psyched about Carrie's wedding. Less than two weeks away now! Should be fun.
    Posted by Katy  on  06/17/07  at  03:01 PM
  3. Page 1 of 1 pages
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