Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Not To Brag Or Anything….

But I’ve lost 11.5 pounds! Yeah. I’m excited. My derrierre is not so nearly derri-there as it was 4 weeks ago. My jeans are loose, my mind is clear, and I’m pumped.

Iron, however, still isn’t pumped, but that’s because of the herniated discs in my neck. You weren’t expecting miracles, were you?

Posted by Katy on 07/10/06 at 09:07 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. You've earned the right to brag! Woo hoo!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  07/10/06  at  11:47 AM
  2. If there is a finder's fee for those lost pounds I do believe I found them on my butt.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  07/10/06  at  08:33 PM
  3. Katy, eleven lbs. is like a big honkin' bag o' Idaho spuds.

    Congratulations! I know how hard it is to lose weight, and when it comes off it's reason for an announcement. (By the way, what's your secret?)
    Posted by Macromoments  on  07/10/06  at  10:59 PM
  4. Katy, you're such an inspiration! I think what you're doing--both in weight loss and finances--is terrific.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  07/11/06  at  09:44 AM
  5. Carrie K--Oh, goodie! Just kidding. ;)

    Michael #2--Better yours than mine! Man, I'm being generous today, huh?

    Macro Bonnie--To think I can't even lift that bag o' taters without injuring my poor neck! And yet I hauled that much around all day every day. Extra weight is SO stressful for the old body parts! I have no secrets. I am an Atkins fan, seeing's that's how I accomplished my original loss of 68 lbs. However, I added back in too many "legal treats" for my small frame: sugar-free chocolates, meal-replacement bars, Starbucks loaded with 1/2&1/2, etc. Now I am doing the strictest version of Atkins (1972), before he allowed the "frankenfoods." Essentially, I am eating leaner cuts of meat, eggs, all non-starchy vegetables, and some low-sugar fruits. And a few bites of cheese, nuts, and seeds, though these have too many calories to eat a lot of at this stage of the program. I will add back higher calorie, higher fat items later on, and more carbs, too, but all very gradually.

    Cindy--Girl, I don't know when Doug and I have ever been so radical! It's been gratifying to realize anew that as long as we're alive, we can change. We can hear the Lord speaking into our lives, and we can receive the grace to follow. We're doing a lot of changes in a compressed time frame, but somehow that's making it more fun--seeing results is great! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  07/12/06  at  08:58 AM
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