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I've been spending a lot of time in waiting rooms lately. And as much as I agree with everybody who loves Raymond, I can only read the Ray Romano cover story on the Ladies' Home Journal so many times.
So I've invested in a 1.9 pound keyboard that runs for 500 hours on 3 AA batteries. Whatever I write while I'm away from my desk is easily dumped onto my computer later.
Who knows? If I can turn out some decent writing, maybe someday people will love seeing this Raymond's story in print, too.
It's worth a shot.
Posted by Katy on 06/03/02 at 12:40 PM
Fallible Comments...
- Patty--We've all sinned and fallen short of, well...you know the rest. I noticed on the alphasmart website they're coming out with a new product which will run an operating system, have a somewhat larger display, etc. More money than mine, but much less than a laptop. I have been home so little in the past few months, that I might have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Alphasmart in the land of the living.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Patty--I have a laptop, and I love it. But I didn't anticipate that the 8-lb weight would kill the herniated disk in my neck. Or that the battery that's supposed to last for 2 hours when you go out on the porch only lasts for 45 mins in "real life." I've made a commitment to real life, and this little gadget fits my life! I kept a detailed journey of the trip we just took with the kids--about 20,000 words in a week. Pretty darn funny words, too. Like the crazy stuff they said in the car driving through the Adirondacks. Priceless--and I couldn't have captured it so completely without my Alphasmart! Thanks, Patty.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Patty--Please note that "journey" should read "journal." And that I still use my laptop all the time, every day, but this thing is meeting a previously unmet need.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- i find it quite difficult to write on the computer (creatively, that is - i do, of course, write all papers and such for school on the computer). i think it's just too easy for me to go into editing mode as i'm writing it on the computer, since all it takes is a hit of the backspace key.
Posted by bethany on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Hi, Bethany! I miss your website! One of the features writers of first drafts really like about the Alphasmart is it only has a four-line display--one tends to just keep on writing rather than go through the pain of editing-as-one-goes. Kind of a boon to productivity, actually!
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- thanks, katy. it's nice to be missed. :) i'm participating in a writing group sort of thing this summer, which i am excited about. but of course, since we've started, i haven't been able to write anything of substance at all. it's rather frustrating. <br>best of luck on the alphasmart 3000. :)
Posted by bethany on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Bethany--Writer's groups can have that effect on one's mind. Do you continue to put something down, even though you feel it's nothing of substance? You know how they say (about spending time with one's children) "quality time is what happens in the middle of quantity time"? It's kind of like that with writing, for me anyway. I just start doing it, and it's stupid and awful, and then something starts to happen that's not totally stupid and awful. Then, on a very good day, something happens that's absolutely OK. Just keep writing!<br>What kind of a computer did you end up getting for graduation? Hope you're happy with it, and a very Happy Grad to you!
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- katy, thanks, yeah, i'm pressing on with writing every day, hoping i'll eventually surprise myself with something i like. i think some guided writing exercises would help me, so i may find some of those.<br>i ended up getting the powerbook g4, and i love it. thanks for asking and for the congratulations. it's good to be out of high school.
Posted by bethany on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- I've been doing a lot of traveling this month, and even if I had a laptop I wouldn't've been able to bring it with me and it wouldn't've met my needs anyway. So I was coveting your portable keyboard. This is my confession. I am a sinner. I have coveted.
Posted by PattyT on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this investment. :) I've taken to using my roommate's laptop to type stuff up at home because I'm SO much faster typing than writing, and it helps my thoughts flow more freely and all. Plus that saves time on not having to retype it later. Not a portable keyboard, and doesn't help in waiting rooms, but it's not bad.<br><br>:)
Posted by PattyT on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
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