Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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No one should be surprised that Sheryl Heaney, our sweet girl from Northern Ireland, is related to Seamus Heaney, the great Irish poet. This comes directly from Sheryl's blog: May 01, 2002 My Mother has an outstanding appreciation for nature, flora and fauna. Ever since I can remember she has taught me the most wonderful things about the wildlife and the beauty of our country. Recently she informed me that the grass is every colour but green which shocked me almost as much as the day I discovered Polar Bears were not white. Over this last week, Mum found a little robin's eggs nestled in the branches of the hedgerow that surrounds our garden. To me it would be a major task to find something so small in such a vast area, yet Mum watched the robin fly in and out attending to her flock. She found them first when they had not yet hatched and therefore she checked a couple of times a day. When finally the little birds hatched she was so delighted that I, plus the rest of my family were made look and admire the beauties she had discovered. "5 in total", she exclaimed with the upmost joy. I arrived in from school yesterday at 4.30 to find my Mum in quite a dull and almost depressed mood. I knew immediately something was wrong. It had been an awful day with sparatic showers that were so forceful they were painful on any exposed flesh of a person. The nest of the robin had been too close to the top of the hedge and unfortunately all 5 of the chicks were killed. The annoyance on my mother's face seemed one of great sorrow and regret, although they were only birds. I pondered on her look for a moment and I wondered whether she was so sad because of her love for the birds or was it beacause she too has 5 of a flock and her heart was with that of the robin???
Posted by Katy on 07/12/02 at 01:21 PM
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