Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Seventeen-year-old Kevin and I are having a baking day. I'm baking my every-so-often ten loaves of honey whole wheat bread. He's looking forward to a fund-raising bake sale at church this Sunday, and tackling an untested recipe for Hershey Kiss cookies. He followed the instructions to the letter, blending the correct amounts of flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, and eggs. The dough then needed to be refrigerated for one hour before wrapping it around the kisses. I kept up with my mixing, kneading, rising, baking and wondering where Kev had disappeared to. His bowl of cooky dough still sat on the table, no closer to being ready to be shaped into delectibles than it had been ages ago. Finally, I called down to the basement, because I swear I heard him playing pool. "Kev, didn't you mean to put this dough into the fridge?" "No," he answered, with a cue in his hand and the confidence of a guy who can read plain English. "The directions say to chill for one hour." A domestic god in the making.
Posted by Katy on 07/23/02 at 07:31 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. kev - you don't know me... but i'm going to email this to all my friends and by the time you graduate you'll have enough $ to come out to san francisco for a visit!
    Posted by dave  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  2. Gee, mom...I wish you would write something humiliating about me...there's another buck Kev...but you're payin' for gas next time we go somewhere. :)
    Posted by Carrie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  3. Every little bit helps with the "chillin". So here's my comment to earn you another buck. Have fun with it, Kevin!
    Posted by Uncle Jim (to Kev)  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  4. Hmmm...wonder how rich Kev is going to get...
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  5. yo.
    Posted by sco  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  6. i'm not sure you should have let folks know about the money so soon... (remember me when this is all over kev!)
    Posted by c  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  7. Bridget--ya rotten kid! xox
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  8. Hey, Kev...here's another dollar for you!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  9. Hey, Scotty and ladies! Well, Kev is the fortunate recipient of $8. I told him that in exchange for only a small amount of humiliation, he'd get a buck for every comment this story generated. Lisa, yes! I had decided to send it to RD. If it sells, Kev will have hit the jackpot!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  10. actually, katy...you should send that one in to readers digest. :)
    Posted by lisa  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  11. i'm laughing out loud. (really:)
    Posted by madi  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  12. HEH! kids say the darndest things...
    Posted by lisa  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  13. Too funny! :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  14. That's great stuff! Kev, Kev, Kev...
    Posted by Carrie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  15. that is very funny.
    Posted by bethany  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  16. i concur with _lol_<br><br>i like bread.<br>and honey.<br>and honey bread.<br>and tea.<br><br>(so you know.)
    Posted by anne  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  17. BTW, the aforementioned cookies turned out great - I caught Mrs. Perez at church walking off with an armload of the gems, convinced that Katy had made them.
    Posted by Doug  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  18. Aaaaack!!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  19. Kev; if I get enough people to add, will you make me another batch of those cookies?
    Posted by Cro  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  20. That is so awesome, in a funny kind of way. I love this story.
    Posted by Christopher  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  21. I swear I didn't tell "lovearainyday" about this site!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  22. Came upon this site and got my first out-loud chuckle this morning!!Thanks!
    Posted by lovearainyday@msn.com  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  23. Dinner? Who the heck can afford dinner?
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  24. What is everyone talking about...dinner's on Kevin!
    Posted by Jim  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  25. What's for dinner tomorrow? I'll join you... :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  26. Dinner was great tonight, mom. Love you!
    Posted by Carrie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  27. cheeky kid.
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  28. The trip was fabulous! HA! HA! Answered you here! :) Ka-ching, ka-ching, Kev!!
    Posted by Baillie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  29. Baillie!! Welcome home! How was your trip? Fabulous, I hope! Please, in the name of all that's holy, don't answer me here...<br>xox
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  30. Yeah. Katy doesn't have time to bake cookies anymore. She's out looking for a full-time job to pay off her debt to her kid...
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  31. Now you have some money so you can find yourself a new chillin' place.
    Posted by Baillie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  32. Dude...every guy needs some time to chill...
    Posted by Dylan  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  33. Hmmm...maybe Kev could make some of those delicious cookies for me!
    Posted by Bridget  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  34. lol
    Posted by sco  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  35. Page 1 of 1 pages
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