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Spotted on a sign outside a shop in midtown Kansas City:
"God Loves U!
Let's Party!
Elvis Costumes!"
There's a logic here that frightens me.
Posted by
Katy on 08/02/02 at 01:31 PM
Fallible Comments...
- i agree...it just seems that way when all you've got is in your cluched little fist and you're being asked to give it up on faith - before you know better the vistas and cool water that await that leap. i've been there...
Posted by lisa on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Sparrow and Lisa--So challenging to know whether to laugh or cry! And I know the person who put up the sign was running out of letters, but still I felt shortchanged when I saw, "God loves u!" Wouldn't u? Lisa-re: God being "not so threatening,"--I prefer to fall into the hands of the living God. I'm much safer there. xox
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- God seems to have been reduced in our society to a line on a marquee, a headline on the cover of a tabloid, a swear word. as long as folks can keep him in his place, he's not so threatening to personal freedoms, whims, and decisions, i think.
Posted by lisa on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- LOL. Thanks!
Posted by Sparrow on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
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