Personal blog of christian
(No Title)The handsome, well-dressed, middle-aged man approached me at Barnes and Noble, like so many men before him have, to ask about my Alphasmart portable keyboard. I explained the gadget to him, which only took ten seconds, since it is simple and its description succinct. It is known more for what it doesn't do than what it does, which makes a techno-zero like I am a wonderful spokeswoman. The man, and his wife, were both duly impressed. I asked if he had Internet access, so that he could look up the website for the product. "I don't and I won't," he answered. "But I have a friend who has it, so I'll look it up at his house." Just then my husband joined us, and interjected his gizmo-savvy into our decidedly provincial meeting of the minds. "When you're at their website," Doug began, "take a look at their new model. You'll be able to interface the Alphasmart with your PDA software and--" The three of us looked at him blankly. The man violently shook his head. "He doesn't have a PDA, honey..." I said, though the man hadn't told me so. "But I thought--" Doug started again. "I don't think he wants all that," I said, because I knew. "I want it to do one thing, and do it well," the man said, and he meant it. And then the man turned and walked away, like so many men before him have, but not before saying that I had changed his life forever. And his wife didn't seem to mind a bit.
Posted by Katy on 08/12/02 at 11:07 PM
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