Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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"Forgetting what lies behind, and pressing forward," is Good Advice, don't you think? Of course it is. It's straight from the Scripture. But I'm starting to think it means to hope in God's mercy, forgiveness and forgetfulness as it pertains to my sin, not to my story. The Bible tells me that my lawless deeds, He will remember no more. I might as well not dwell on them, either. Going through life, though, there's a tendency to keep important, essential stories swept under the carpet. Whole episodes of family history can be lost to the dictates of "I don't want to talk about it," "I don't want to go there," and "I don't remember." Maybe I'll never shout certain stories from the rooftops--or then again, I might. Still, I'm opening the ancient books again, opening the sealed boxes, opening the yellowed envelopes, allowing myself to be opened by them. The stories inside frighten me almost as much as I remember. I am at first a little frail girl again, then an insecure teenager, confronted with truths about myself and others that are disturbing, that I still can't fully embrace. But the stories also make me laugh and love more deeply than I would, than I could, if I kept them packed away forever. So I read, and write. Remember, and yes, forget. And close a few boxes on some items I, too, am not courageous enough to bring to the light. They'll be waiting for someone else, someday. Someone who's been prepared for such a time as this.
Posted by Katy on 08/21/02 at 05:20 PM
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