Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Weather forecasts are more precise than ever, but just as inaccurate. Today, in Denver, they've had a huge snow storm, which closed down the airport for the first time in six years. When I was a kid, the weatherman would have called this storm a "blizzard." Now it's "blizzard-like conditions." Is that more exact, or just more annoying? Last night, the weather guy was trying to keep Kansas City and the surrounding towns apprised of a severe thunderstorm situation, and possible accompanying tornado. Typical stuff for us in April. Until this year, we were always advised to "take cover" or "seek shelter" in the southeast corners of our basements, or in a closet or other room without windows in the center of the house. Starting this spring, the instructions have been revised to "take your tornado precautions now." Uh, were we supposed to have a plan? My sister lives in Warrensburg, MO, where the tornado finally hit ground and took out 250 buildings over an eight-mile long section of town. The weather guy was reporting that they had 30 full minutes to prepare before they could expect the storm to hit. ("Alma, it'll arrive in your town at 5:15; Holden, 5:20; Lamar, 5:25, Warrensburg, 5:30, etc.") He showed his map of Warrensburg, and then told his producer to "take it down to street level," so he could point his cursor at main roads on the map and make their street names pop up. Cool. It would have been really cool if they'd had that 30 minutes to "take your tornado precautions now." The tornado touched ground in five minutes flat. I've decided I don't need to waste time watching the nutty weatherperson "take it down to street level" when I should be taking precautions on the lower level.
Posted by Katy on 04/11/01 at 11:22 PM
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