Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Of my many natural talents, the one I've been most successful in developing into a bonafide skillset is "valuing trappings over substance." One Easter, I treasured my basket filled with foil-wrapped fancies more than the devouring of the contents themselves. Months later, the icon was still lovingly enthroned on my bedside table, untouched by human hands. The crunchy rustle of tinfoil one dark midnight jerked me awake, sure that a miniature sibling was stealing my stash. I snapped on the light to find myself alone. Just me and the roaches. A number of my "trappings over substance" escapades have involved the acquisition of a-whole-lot-of-assembly-required excercise equipment. If I thought writing the checks was almost substance enough, wouldn't having the actual machines in my home certify my svelteness? No, I grew ever fluffier, while Doug maintained his youthful figure by wrangling apparatus parts for 24 years. Where's the justice? Musical instruments have played into my passions, as well. When I got a beginner's guitar, I insisted I needed an accessorized "gig" bag. I was positive gigs were in my future. I did have the wherewithall to learn upwards of three chords, but the substance of those pesky callouses on my fingers made me revert back to trappings, after all. No gigs. But from those who know me, giggles. Or are those snickers? Today is Good Friday, the day we remember One who did not share my weaknesses, but who died because He forgave them. In Isaiah, the Scripture quotes God as saying, "I will not give My glory to another." But then the New Testament tells us that Jesus freely laid His glory aside, to take on the form of a man, to be born, to die and to rise from the dead on our behalf. Jesus had all the heavenly "trappings" imaginable: thrones, crowns, jewels, palaces. He enjoyed oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the undying worship of legions of angels. Could He have needed anything else? I'm surprised again each time I think how He gave up the trappings of glory to obtain the substance of a relationship with me. Surprised again by the substance of His love.
Posted by Katy on 04/13/01 at 03:42 PM
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