Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I'd never been to a funeral for a former Catholic priest, and chances are, you haven't either. Much less a former Catholic priest who'd been married for 24 years and had two grown sons. It's a little strange being lifelong friends with a guy like that. First he's your church pastor, then he's your high school religion teacher and counselor, always he's your spiritual shepherd. When you're twenty-one and he's thirty-three and you need him to be much more grounded and stable than you are, he decides to leave the priesthood and seek happiness with a girl your age. Is he crazy, or what? As it turns out, what. Eight priests con-celebrated the funeral mass last night. I must say I was afraid that the Catholic Church might, through word or deed, lay hold to some "prior claim" to Bruce and his life. I was worried, for his wife's sake, that the old Catholic slogan, "Thou art a priest forever, according the the order of Melchisadech," might rear its head, throwing her and all of those assembled into a theological tailspin. I needn't have fretted. The priest who spoke, who had been friends with Bruce since they were both thirteen and attending the "high school for future priests," talked about Bruce's integrity and the intense soul-searching that accompanied all his major life decisions. "The best decision Bruce ever, ever made," said the good Father, "was to marry Mary." The congregation let out a collective sigh. It was what we knew to be the truth about Bruce, in our hearts. But we needed it to be said aloud, once more, by another priest. In honor of his death, and in honor of her life.
Posted by Katy on 05/08/01 at 03:18 PM
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