Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It's at least ten degrees below normal temperature this morning, and I've got to say, that's my very favorite temperature. If God happens to throw in a brisk breeze and a fine, Scottish mist, so much the better. It's the kind of morning that makes me pour a second cup of coffee (actually, any morning makes me do that), unplug my laptop and head out to the front porch. At my house, there's no great distinction between the front porch and the back, since you can't see a neighbor's property from any vantage point, unless it's mid-winter and the trees are bereft. But it's more sociable to sit on the front porch, don't you think? To anticipate a car meandering up the long road to the house, to welcome a long-lost or long-awaited friend, to serve iced lemonade to a thirsty stranger. Of course, if someone were really coming up the road, I'd have enough time to run inside, clean the whole house, and whip up a five-course meal, all before the doorbell rings. Occasionally, though, it's completely satisfying just to picture myself accomplishing any number of gratifying social interchanges, without any of them actually happening. And all in the privacy of my very own bathrobe.
Posted by Katy on 05/31/01 at 12:13 PM
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