Personal blog of christian
(No Title)I've loved the word "synergy" since I first heard it used in context back in the mid-1980s. The speaker, who was expounding upon the benefits of a powerful multiple vitamin, explained how the individual components were made much more effective by being combined precisely with the remaining ingredients. "Each vitamin, mineral and herb is fine alone," he said, "but put them together, and they are EXTREME. The sum of the parts really IS greater than the math would imply, folks. That's what we call SYNERGY!" "What a concept!" I thought, and ever since that day I've strived to apply it in as many ways as possible to my own life. Today, for instance, I'm grouchy, tired, fat and hungry. Oh, yeah, and hormonal. And did I mention fat? Why is it, in my life, "synergy" ends up being just another way of combining "sin" with "energy"? Maybe I should start taking vitamins…
Posted by Katy on 06/05/01 at 02:41 PM
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