Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It's a horrifying thing to fear for one's transmission. To hear banging, clattering, thumping and scraping, and to be reasonably certain of its ominous origin. To dimly recognize noises from one's murky automotive past, and to be filled afresh with the dread and anguish of facing the thing head on. And yet face it we must. For, you see, we live in this car. It does not merely transport us from here to there. Such straightforward utility would be shallow, indeed. No, our car serves not only as transportation, but also as dinner table, office desk and daybed. Not to mention summer camp, classroom, emergency room and confessional. Within its walls, we parents have suffered through the lyrics to frightening songs on the FM, while our kids were trying to figure out how to ask us about the facts of life. Within its walls, they might have even heard us say a few choice words they didn't know we knew. Sigh. Admitting this car to the repair shop is a bittersweet affair. Who knows when we might see it again? Who knows what terrible procedure it may have to endure, and whether it will ever really be the same from this day forward? Now, more than ever, we realize how bound up our very existence is with this, our car. "Mrs. Raymond," the mechanic says somberly when he calls many tense hours later, "I think we've finally discovered the problem. It's not your transmission clattering after all…" "But, then…what?" I ask. "It's your dishes." Oh.
Posted by Katy on 07/12/01 at 08:08 PM
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