Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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This morning's excerpt from my novel: I don't know what could be weirder than getting an email from a girl you used to go to high school with that contains the subject line, "Your Mom Is So Cool!" At first I thought it must be a forwarded joke, and then it occurred to me that maybe Kristin had run into my mom at the mall, on a day when Mom had put on lipstick or something. That would be cool. "Wow!" Kristin wrote. "You never told me your mom was a blogger! She's got me hooked…" My mom's a what? I called Brian on his cell, because he's the computer guy, and evidently this is some perverse computer thing Mom's gotten wrapped up in. "Bri, it's me," I began. "Do you remember Kristin Winslow from school? She and Mom have some weird computer relationship happening, and we need to figure out what's going on…" I should mention here that Kristin and I were not exactly friends back in high school, or at any time since. If I remember right, and I do, the few times I got in really serious trouble with my parents were because of incidents in which Kristin played a key role. In fact, it was Kristin's idea to smuggle a box of wine onto the premises of the sophomore retreat, making it even more of a spiritual experience than it otherwise would have been. "Remember," she preached, "the Bible says we should all 'take a little wine for the sake of our stomachs, and our frequent ailments…'" By the time we were finished taking a little wine, our stomachs and our frequent ailments had become well acquainted. And when word got out that the communion service had turned into a giggling, stumbling mass of underage backsliders, our little, quiet Christian school took it on the nose. I took it on the calendar. I've never been on house arrest before or since, but my social life came to a grinding halt that day. It would be a month before I would see Kristin outside of class again, and by then, I didn't want to. Because of her, my boyfriend took another girl to Homecoming. Because of her, I had to withdraw my bid for Student Council Secretary. Because of her, I couldn't try out for "The Sound of Music," and I would have made a perfect Lisyl. Except for the drinking problem. "And now," I told Brian, "because of Kristin Winslow, Mom is in deep. And we have to get her out."
Posted by Katy on 11/07/01 at 02:05 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I can make you as bad as you wanna' be. Just let me know.
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  2. Oh yeah, it's kind of nice having a "bad" side...even if it is fictional. :)
    Posted by Carrie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  3. Why, where did you ever get the idea this was about you, girlfriend? Tee, hee. And I do know you're an angel. Is it okay if I portray you as otherwise just for literature's sake?
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  4. Mother, mother! What's this about me sneaking wine into a class retreat? You know I'm an angel. :)
    Posted by Carrie  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
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