Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Twenty-five years ago this month, when I married the man of my dreams, the style was to write your own marriage vows. Why we boomers imagined we could improve upon tradition, I can't recall. Somewhere, somewhere, Doug and I surely have written copies of the promises we made, although I haven't laid eyes on them from that day until this. We do have a reel-to-reel tape recording of the ceremony, but technology has rolled on, leaving reels to collect the dust of the ages. I'm left to wonder if my promises are old and moldy, too. What on earth did I say to this man all those many years ago? I think the rage was to leave out the "in sickness, in poverty, in bad times and for worse," and try to be a little more upbeat, more positive. If I remember right, we promised to love each other through good times, better times, health and wealth. We were quite the risk-takers, weren't we? I'm left feeling that no matter what Doug vowed, he's given much more, and no matter what I might have promised, I've come up short on delivery. Soon we'll have a second opportunity to give voice to promises in front of God and many witnesses. Once again, we'll write our own vows. I am at a loss for words. I can only hope to come closer, this time around, to the honest truth, knowing what I know now about myself, my husband, and unconditional love. I'd like to promise that, before death parts us, I'll become the woman he believes in, the one he sees when he looks into my eyes. The woman I think I've just now finally started to become. I think it might be the only promise he's still hoping to hear.
Posted by Katy on 02/04/02 at 07:24 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Lisa, Well, last night was the big night! It was truly wonderful. My kids (sco, Carrie and Kevin) put it all together, and it was more than we could have dreamed. My husband made me cry with his vows--heck, he even made himself cry! I'm advising everyone who asks not to wait for the big 2-5, or any other big number, to do what you feel in your heart it's time to do. Renew, baby! Best wishes.
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  2. we're near ready to renew our vows and it's not quite been eight years yet. hmmm...
    Posted by lisa  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  3. Guess what, Dee? I started digging deeply and found written copies of our vows! I truly did not know I had them. I read what I'd written, and decided I'd promise the same thing all over again. Doug read what he'd written and thought the same thing. But we're not going to let each other see what the other is going to say until the time comes. Thanks--that's sweet about your parents!
    Posted by Katy  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
  4. My parents renewed their vows on their 25th anniversary. It was quite a beautiful, uplifting experience for everyone there, I hope yours is the same :).
    Posted by Dee  on  12/31/69  at  06:00 PM
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