Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I bought a fabulous navy blue two-piece dress for my 25th anniversary party, and the skirt had to be shortened. Normally, I would handle such a project myself, but this is a very special occasion. So I made an appointment with a special-occasions gown shop, which does alterations, and spent a half-hour twirling around for a little Russian lady while she measured and pinned. At first blush, when she asked me if I was a bridesmaid, I felt like a young girl. Then she started pinning the skirt up to the length she presumed I wanted, a length which would have entirely covered my very cute shoes. "Don't look down!" she instructed me, every time I tried to look down. Evidently, when I bent slightly from the waist to try to ascertain exactly what she was doing down there, it threw off her measurements, which, of course, were off to begin with, since I didn't want my skirt to be grazing the floor. "I want it shorter," I said. "I want my shoes to show. And my ankles, too." "Shorter?" she repeated. "You want your shoes to show? Your shoes are black. We will need to dye your shoes to match. We can do it here. I don't like black shoes with your blue dress." "I do," I answered. "I like my black shoes to show with my blue dress." "You know what you want," she said. "That is unusual. Most of the girls who come in here say, 'I don't know…what do you think?' and 'Do you like this one? Oh, dear, I'm just not sure…' But you, you know what you want. You are right. You should only please yourself. What does it matter what anyone else thinks? You know what you want. You are not like the young girls…" So what if she only made me feel like a young girl for a few, fleeting moments? For the rest of my life, I get to know what I want.
Posted by Katy on 02/14/02 at 09:26 AM
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