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My son Scott invited me to go to Michigan with him to a writer's conference! We're leaving today for a five-day trip. Spending time alone with an adult child is just like when I spend time with my mother, only in reverse. For example, I must allow Scott to snicker when I obsess over silly travelling details, and realize that, of course, he's right--I need to chill. I would be snickering at my mom, too. And while I've taken to asking my mother if she needs to use the bathroom before we leave the house, I must resist asking Scott if he needs to go potty. Please, dear God, don't let him ask me!
Posted by
Katy on 04/17/02 at 04:59 PM
Fallible Comments...
- I do check in here on a semi-regular basis, much like I get to access the internet on a semi-regular basis. :)
Posted by sara on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Cro--Yeah. That way he won't miss you so much.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- okay you two, that's quite enough of that.
Posted by sco on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- i am forlorn, for alas, i am here and not there. i hope you all had a lovely time in michigan. i'll want to hear all impressions when you return.
Posted by Bethany on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Bet--Here, but for your senior prom, go thou. Have a great evening! I am getting to know Rachel here, and what a great girl she is! We have had a wonderful, productive time, but we've missed you.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- where in michigan? it's a lovely state, isn't it?
Posted by sara on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- what a fun time it was. thanks for the great discussions and the many many laughs. i hope scott recovers. poor little lamb. at least we didnt paint each other's nails and talk about lip gloss. we aren't without mercy. i hope this finds you both home snug and safe. against all odds, there was a place for me on the first flight out of chicago back to nashville. i wanted the theme to chariots of fire to play as i boarded the plane. i'm so glad to be home. i will look forward to seeing you again!! thank you again, so much, for the tote bag. <br>grinding: don't play that game.
Posted by rachel on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Sara--Do you still check in here, you Foolish girl? I see you've been in Michigan, too! We were at the Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing in Grand Rapids. Didn't see much besides the campus--airport, hotel and campus in close proximity. But all was blooming and beautiful!
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Rachel--As my mom would say, "cussin' and discussin'"--only, of course, we didn't cuss, as that is not acceptable within the CBA! Rachel, you are a keeper--too bad the laughs had to come to a "grinding" halt. Hope to meet you again soon!
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- i have a feeling that if i had neglected my highschool responsibilities and gone to calvin, this would all make a lot more sense to me... :)
Posted by bethany on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- Bet--Of the many lively discussions Scott, Rachel and I enjoyed on topics about culture, one that came up was kids your age going to dance clubs where some of the dancers are "grinding." I am of the opinion that some "dance moves" are meant to be done in the privacy of one's home, with a marriage partner!! Call me old-fashioned. We talked of many other equally fascinating things. Tee, hee.
Posted by Katy on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- hearing the word "grinding" come from katy's mouth: utterly hilarious.
Posted by rachel on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
- No Mrs. Raymond; You really should ask him.
Posted by Cro on 12/31/69 at 06:00 PM
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