Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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My cousin John McKenna in Scotland just emailed me to thank me for the very handsome picture I posted of him in the post below entitled “John McKenna.” Actually, he questioned whether I’d successfully captured his “good side.” I am here to say that as far as I can tell, he doesn’t have a bad side.

He also said that he tried to leave a comment on fallible, but wasn’t allowed to. If anyone else has had this problem recently, could you please email me to let me know?
It’s katy at ngenius dot com .

You can also contact me by email just to say hi, if you’d like! I’d love to hear from you.

Posted by Katy on 05/20/06 at 06:12 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Excuse me is this thing on?

    Seems to be working for me.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  05/21/06  at  08:17 AM
  2. Hey Katy, welcome back!! I hope this thing works. *grin* Though you might not want to put your email address on there like that, you might find yourself receiving more spam once nasty bots pick up on it!
    Posted by irene  on  05/22/06  at  08:34 AM
  3. Michael--I can always count on you. Thanks! :)

    Irene--Why don't I ever think of these things? Currently, I receive more spam comments on fallible that legit comments, so I should be aware of the traps I set for myself, and yet.... ;)
    Posted by Katy  on  05/22/06  at  11:32 AM
  4. Trying again from a different computer!!!
    Posted by John McKenna  on  05/24/06  at  03:14 AM
  5. John PG McKenna (as opposed to John Vincent McKenna, also a new commenter here...)--Hey! You made it work! Welcome.
    Posted by Katy  on  05/24/06  at  08:45 AM
  6. Hello. I like your website! I'm feeling a bit low because a close friend of mine is going to live in the States. You cheered me up and made me smile. Thanks!
    Posted by nicky  on  06/17/06  at  01:34 PM
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