Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Tomorrow is October 13.

For those of you who comment here, I hope it will not be a date which long sticks in your minds as the one about which you warned me. I hope that this site undergoes a smooth transition from what (and where) it is now to what (and where) it shall be.

All I know for sure is that BlogBack will no longer be handling comments just a few hours from now. And that because comments have become such an important part of my raison d'etre, I am filled with fear and trembling.

What if something goes dreadfully wrong? What if every collected comment here is lost forever, and those comments still to come are not able to be brought to fruition?

Doug, my husband and tech guy, is doing...something...in this regard. He is switching fallible over from one...um, thing to another, uh...deal. It could have something to do with servers, I suppose. Or server farms. I cannot say. I only know that he's worked on it until late into the night for many weeks now, and still he seems unsure what the outcome will be.

I've heard the term Cold Fusion bandied about, but I'm not sure why. I'm not even certain what Cold Fusion is, only that it gives me a little chill whenever I say it out loud. Fallible is about to leave it behind, I believe, but if so, what will take its place?

Doug tried to explain the process to me tonight over dinner, he really did. He said, "Let me put it in terms you'll understand," and then he gave it his best shot. When I failed to comprehend his layman's lingo, instead of dumbing it down yet another huge notch, he spoke at a higher volume.

Suffice it to say that when you see fallible next, it will likely look somewhat different, but I'm betting that will be much less of an issue for you than it will be for me. Because you probably understand completely what's to come on October 13, while I am wholly mystified.

I'll bet you never would have guessed that about me, would you?
Posted by Katy on 10/12/05 at 09:12 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. looking forward to finding you in cyberspace somewhere .... along with all those unpaired sox.
    Posted by Lorna  on  10/13/05  at  12:22 PM
  2. Doug will make it work.

    Comments will be here as always for you.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  10/13/05  at  01:58 PM
  3. Ah, what the heck? I needed to try at least one more time.

    Can you see me now?

    Michael #4
    Posted by michael snyder  on  10/13/05  at  03:54 PM
  4. Lorna--Have you found me? I've found myself, I think. (It only took 52 years...)

    Michael 2--You are a great comfort to me, as is Doug... :)

    Michael 4--I can see you! (But, wait, what's that you're wearing? A Katy costume? With a red curly wig? Weird!) Okay. Have you tried to post a bunch of times or something?
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  10/13/05  at  04:18 PM
  5. Katy, I've been posting every other minute for the last three weeks!

    Okay, maybe only three or four posts that have dissipated...or deleted by an angry, paranoid-about-identity-theft administrator.
    Posted by michael snyder  on  10/13/05  at  09:52 PM
  6. You mean to tell us you can't even understand a layman's explanation given by a guy with a truly unremarkable brain?
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  10/20/05  at  07:46 PM
  7. Page 1 of 1 pages
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