Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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New Millenium Survey, A Tad Late

I've been concentrating on some other writing projects recently. I hope you'll forgive my lack of serious blogging. I'll come up with something fascinating to write here again soon--I promise.

In the meantime, here's something I'm wondering: When you refer to the year in which you find yourself, 2005, how do you express that concept in words?

I find myself saying "two thousand five," but realized recently that I keep hearing others say "twenty-oh-five." That sounds wrong to my ear, but then I remember that "nineteen-ninety-nine" was the norm rather than "one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine."

If I revert back to the old song lyric "In the year 2525 (twenty-five twenty-five), if man is still alive, if woman can survive..." I guess I have my answer, but it still sounds wrong to me. Even "two-oh-oh-five" sounds better than "twenty-oh-five."

So how do you say 2005? Enquiring minds and all that.....
Posted by Katy on 05/25/05 at 12:32 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy, the rule for saying it is the same for writing it. And the rule for writing it is the same for writing a check. "Two thousand, five." that's it. The song was sung that way because it made the lyrics go with the beat. And when we said "nineteen, ninety-nine," we were wrong too. It was just easier to say and like in the song, it had a better rhythm.
    Posted by Paula  on  05/25/05  at  09:35 PM
  2. I don't know which is correct -- but I say "two thousand five". Probably will til 2101, then it will sound better to say "twenty-one oh one". Of course, I'll be dead then, so I guess it won't matter!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  05/25/05  at  09:40 PM
  3. "Two thousand five" is correct, I believe.
    Posted by Bridget  on  05/25/05  at  10:56 PM
  4. I say Two thousand four - I'm still a year behind.

    Thanks for the song memory. I haven't thought of that in ages...

    ...going to search for lyrics.

    Take Care
    Posted by Blogin Idiot  on  05/26/05  at  01:01 AM
  5. I say two thousand five and, seeing as how I am the coolest person ever, it must be the right way. So there. :)
    Posted by Lydia  on  05/26/05  at  02:42 AM
  6. I think "twenty oh five" is, well, dumb. "Two- thousand five" is both correct AND un-pretentious.

    "Twenty oh five" smacks of my generation--the twentysomethings--who work WAY too hard at being cool to ever really be cool. Not that I really know anything about being cool, mind you.
    Posted by Needlessly Cynical  on  05/27/05  at  03:06 PM
  7. After a ong absense I am back (also with a new blog). I must say, I am definitely one to say "two-thousand five"
    Posted by Kevin  on  05/27/05  at  10:26 PM
  8. I say two thousand and five, of course like most things I'm probably wrong. Shalom
    Posted by Tim  on  05/31/05  at  07:54 PM
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