Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Nationalize Me, Baby!

You might remember that before the first bail-outs became law last fall, I expressed my utter disdain for them. I compared the situation to a parent who’s trying to decide whether bailing her wayward son out of jail (after she’s warned him repeatedly not to miss the court date assigned to him because of a usurious traffic ticket….) would ultimately be the best thing for her son or not.

You probably have guessed my conclusions about the parent/son situation. Three nights in jail won’t kill the kid, and just might cure him. And THAT would make a mother happy, indeed.

But the bailouts, of course, happened. I believe we now refer to last fall’s wealth distribution as “TARP 1.” Is there any doubt left in anyone’s mind that the acronym TARP (Remind me: WHAT does it stand for?) will eventually (and soon) be followed by all manner of numerals?

It’s all got me thinking a lot about the subject of nationalization, and you know what? If I make the topic of nationalization as personal as I made bailouts, I come to an entirely different conclusion. In fact, in only a few moments, I came up with a list called

Fallible Stuff I’d Like To Nationalize:

1. My urinary tract infection. Seriously, people. Peeing every 35 seconds? It is not fair that my bladder should have to shoulder the weight of this burden alone. And since everyone else is already peeing anyway, why shouldn’t they each go one extra time per 24 hours, so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my natural life on the toitie?

2. Blog commenters. I am happy for Dooce and the several other got-in-on-the-ground-floor bloggers who win their Bloggies year after year for Best Design and Best Content, etc, but honestly, isn’t it getting old for her to have thousands of commenters, half of whom don’t even like her? I say that blog comments should be nationalized. If Dooce coughed up several hundred of hers, and the other Top Tier Bloggers did the same, I could end up with more people who don’t like me. Doesn’t that seem right to you?

3. Purses. I went to the same high school as Kate Spade. At the Catholic girls school we attended, we were all trained to view marriage and motherhood as somewhat secondary to career goals. I was paying attention and made excellent grades in school, but is it MY fault I preferred being a stay-at-home mom to designing handbags and forging an empire? Since Kate and I share common roots, I believe it’s correct that we now share purses. Nationalize the whole darn line, I say. If I got to choose my ten or twelve free faves during the Purse Nationalization Act of 2009, I would even agree to pay shipping. I AM a capitalist, after all.

4. The Moms. Although it’s taken a while for me to embrace the wisdom of this idea, I am now more than willing (eager, you might say) to nationalize caretaking responsibilities of The Moms. If you think that the fact they both live in assisted living facilities makes it so that “someone else” takes care of them, think again. Someone else might help them bathe and dress, but the THINKING falls to us. And without the thinking, they wouldn’t last long. I think it’s high time thinking was nationalized, especially when it comes to appropriating many, many others to think about what’s best for The Moms and then just DO it. Without me needing to tell them. That would be heaven.

5. My rear end. An inch here, an inch there, pretty soon every underendowed woman in the country could be amply supplied. It’s a sacrifice, yes, but one I am willing to make for the common good. I’m euphemistically referring to my bottom-line scheme as TARP, also: Troubled “Assets” Redistribution Plan. Any takers?

6. Housework. It is SO not my problem that we have a house that is too big for our current needs. It’s not like I could have foreseen this when we built the house fourteen years ago! We had three kids living with us then, and it seemed like they’d be with us forever. Don’t tell me I should have done the math and predicted a time when Doug and I would only require a few small rooms to suit our purposes! That kind of rational thought has NO PLACE is a discussion of The Housework Nationalization Act of 2009. I don’t expect you to feel sorry for me, especially if you have seen my house and are maybe a little jealous because it’s actually very nice. But I DO think that if you are young, energetic, and in possession of a strong back, you should have no choice but to throw a TARP over this joint. I’m free this morning. I’ll be expecting you (bring your cleaning supplies, I’m running low!) at ten.

Anything you’d like to nationalize, while the nationalizing’s good? Hopefully, Dooce is feeling the love and has already sent some of her commenters my way…

Posted by Katy on 02/23/09 at 02:07 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I love this!!! I'd also like to nationalize dark circles under the eyes, caloric intake, and fingernail strength.

    I'd like to help, of course, with caffeine consumption and it's side effects. I'll drink a bunch and give some of the jitters away to those who don't take in any caffeine.
    Posted by lisa  on  02/23/09  at  03:25 PM
  2. This is so funny but there's so much truth in it! I would also like assistance on #6, housework, even though I have a small house, which is because we chose to live very conservatively. I didn't realize that if we ran into trouble, the government would be there with handouts! I'm so glad that God is in control!
    Posted by Karen Anderson  on  02/23/09  at  03:36 PM
  3. Such a fun entry, Katy--yet much truth in it as well. Oh--and please send your nationalized house cleaners (make that the National Association of Housework Engineers) over to my place after they've Tarped yours.

    Tell them to approach with caution.
    Posted by BJ  on  02/23/09  at  03:43 PM
  4. Lisa--SO fun to see you here! I think it is oh-so-generous of you to be willing to "share and share alike" when it comes to nationalization. If you expect increased fingernail strength for yourself, you're going to have to cough up some jitters. That's the new reality!! Love you....

    Karen--I love your house. A Cape Cod is one of my favorite house styles EVER. But truly, you should have had more foresight. No handouts for you, you fallibly responsible girl, you!!

    BJ--I will send the National Assoc. of Housework Engineers your way!!! Let's assume that they are "shovel ready." :)
    Posted by Katy  on  02/23/09  at  05:49 PM
  5. I'd like to nationalize my math homework. After all, thirty math problems, everyday of the week...doesn't that sound fun? Everyone should get to share in the love of math. ; )

    Great post, Katy.
    Posted by Hannah  on  02/24/09  at  10:55 PM
  6. Another one of those posts that should come with a warning..."Don't take gulps of hot liquids or eat spinach while reading this."

    A classic.
    Posted by Christa Allan  on  02/26/09  at  08:14 AM
  7. I am for this. I definitely like the NAHE, but you expect too much when you want thinking nationalized. They don't teach it in government run public schools and most people don't really know how to do it. Sorry, you will have to hang on to the moms.I am also in on the TARP 2 list :) I got plenty to share:)!!
    Thanks for keeping us laughing when we aren't crying about this mess!!
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  02/26/09  at  09:06 PM
  8. Nationalize my commute, cumulative 2.5 hour a day, since I actually work MORE efficiently from home anyway!
    Posted by Adam (with the mug!)  on  02/27/09  at  09:48 PM
  9. We already have $3 trillion of debt, as far as the U.S. government is concerned. These debt figures across the U.S. economy are rising very sharply."

    When the government can no longer pass the United States' "immense debt" on to taxpayers, it will turn to the holders of U.S. dollars, leading to the eventual downfall of the currency, Hennecke said.

    "Definitely, it (the dollar) is not a safe place to be invested in, as real inflation is closer to 10 or 11 percent than the actual inflation numbers given by the U.S. government," Hennecke said on "Worldwide Exchange".Investors should avoid exposure to debt and stay away from leveraging on any investment or asset, including property, Hennecke advised, adding that "banks have been too highly leveraged in the past, private households, everybody."

    Michael McLaughlin, Cary real estate
    Posted by Cary real estate  on  02/28/09  at  04:29 PM
  10. What can i do if im a victim of mortgage fraud? same agents and brokers sold my home & with proceeds convinced me of buying four home asssuring me it would be a great investment properties would pay off themself. if i leased them .i question my qualifying for the loan, assured me i would & make the payments if not less equal to the mortgage& rent amount,i invested 175,000 trusting them gave what they asked me for infomation for loan approval, returned informing it would look better if i had co signers knowing full well they would not be contributing to the mortgage payment,they forgedmy signature,bal on my bank stmt.made up false check stub stated i made alot more,then at closing the numbers were not acceptable i wouldnt sign, they change the numbers to acceptable, i signed then when my payment book came it was back to the unacceptable amount, they promised to give me help of 2000 dollars a month because they felt so bad and didfor 2 mos. now in forecloser and insurance says i committed mortgage fraud! what can i do?
    Posted by Toronto condo  on  03/09/09  at  09:49 AM
  11. Very nice article and equally very nice site of yours. Well, it is not bad to have big house as long as you and your partner can afford to pay for it, even in bad times. The problem is lots of people will borrow big money for a big houses, but the truth their income is not enough to support it. Cheers, Michael McLaughlin, Cary real estate
    Posted by Cary real estate  on  03/12/09  at  01:14 AM
  12. The stadium is about a 1.5 kilometre walk up a gently sloping road from Chinatown. It is situated on a hillock close to Chinatown. From Puduraya head towards Jalan Sultan which is 3 mins away and continue to walk till the road branches out to your left about 500meteres from the start of Jalan Sultan.Follow the left fork and keep walking up the sloping road. Previously there used to be a flight of steps midway up this road on your right which is a short cut to the stadium, dont know if it is still there. If not then just continue to walk up the road to Stadium Negara and just behind that stadium is Merdeka Stadium. Estimate the walk to take about 20mins.Taxi if hailed from the stand at hotel or stationary ones will charge much higher since they make you pay for their waiting time. If flagged down they might not take you over such a short distance or might take you on a round about scenic route and charge you more. If you are lucky to get one that takes you direct, point to point should be under rm10. Also check with the hotel where you will be staying.
    Posted by Condos Toronto  on  03/17/09  at  06:51 AM
  13. I’ve been wary of nationalization because, while I think there’s some logic to it, I question the idea of completely wiping out shareholders. Basically, it seems like an action like that could create a domino effect that would send the Dow spiraling out of control.

    Cheers,Harry,Panama real estate.
    Posted by real estate in panama  on  05/15/09  at  03:35 PM
  14. Couldn’t be written any better. Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted by comfort inn demi lovato contest  on  05/29/09  at  01:20 PM
  15. I have to agree with you on this one. The government should not be in the business of propping up failing corporations. It's unconstitutional.
    Posted by personal injury attorney houston  on  09/23/09  at  08:43 AM
  16. Of all the comments here i think Harry's comment is the apt one. i agreee with him on the Domino effect he is talking about. it would lead to a further and big economic crash
    Posted by fence designs  on  10/05/09  at  05:28 AM
  17. Page 1 of 1 pages
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