Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Narrowing The Field?

Doug and I are in deep discussions with our youngest child, Kevin, about the course his studies should take after he completes his Associates degree in May.

He’s enrolled in a hospitality management program, and is considering a number of schools at which he could finish his Bachelors, including a couple in Switzerland. It’s a lot to think about, pray about, and decide.

Last night, I emailed him some links I thought might help him, for schools that hadn’t made it onto our radar screen until yesterday. Time is of the essence, of course, as it always is, so I urged him to take swift action in making application to the schools he’s interested in. I awakened at 5:45 this morning for no good reason and checked my email.

Here’s the message that awaited me from Kevin:

“thanks for all the good info. yes i am emailing you at 3:23 in the AM but as you know life is crazy here at the bachelor pad. i will look into all this info more tommorrow and then go to my advisor’s office on either monday or tuesday. probably tuesday because i have a three hour break on tuesdays in which i usually have lunch with colleen krista irene and evelyn but i can skip that just this once.
love you much”

Here’s my question: If you were him, would you really want to leave town?

Posted by Katy on 04/08/06 at 06:45 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. hospitality management!?!

    The very professions I am so desperately trying to get away from. Why hospitality?
    Posted by Daniel  on  04/09/06  at  12:26 AM
  2. Instant messaging has wrecked the civilized punctuation world. Of course 3:23 e-mails should probably be held to a little more flexible standard as well, eh? :)
    Posted by Ginger  on  04/09/06  at  10:00 AM
  3. Daniel--He loves it! And I bet you will LOVE the excellent service you receive one day when you're staying in one of his fine establishments! :)

    Ginger--Tee, hee. The only time I've IMd was to do the interview with Mary DeMuth that appeared on this site a while back. It was fun, but oh, so manic! And I am not a girl who can go very long without some serious punctuation marks... Kev says he sent that email with the girls' names unseparated by the common comma just to make me laugh, and I did howl when I saw it! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  04/13/06  at  07:31 AM
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