Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Doug’s mother’s world has come to a spinning halt.

So far, the best the docs can determine (she was admitted to the hospital Sunday afternoon) is that she has a inner ear imbalance. Basically, she can’t lift her head from the pillow without feeling like she’s going to toss.

Inner ear things are so freakin’ unpredictable. She could feel better next week or…not. One thing is clear: We can’t let her stay in bed in a (so-called) assisted living facility (risk of pneumonia, blood clots, etc), and she can’t ambulate without real help.

From the looks of the situation, Adele’s moving into a nursing home. We don’t know which one or if it’s temporary or not, only that some snappy decisions must be arrived at and a bunch of heavy lifting accomplished on her behalf.

That’s all for now. NaNoEdMo starts tomorrow. I think.

Posted by Katy on 10/31/06 at 08:26 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. So sorry Katy. I'll be praying for you.
    Posted by Suzan  on  10/31/06  at  12:13 PM
  2. I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I hope she gets better soon.
    Posted by Pattie  on  10/31/06  at  12:30 PM
  3. Hearts turned out, Katy.
    Posted by Amber  on  10/31/06  at  12:48 PM
  4. P.S. - Please don't worry about sending that book out right now, if you haven't already. I'm sure your hands are full!
    Posted by Amber  on  10/31/06  at  12:50 PM
  5. I hope she does get better, and soon! Also hope Doug and his family are at peace about this and not taking it too hard...
    Posted by Sunflower  on  10/31/06  at  01:27 PM
  6. Thank you all! Today (Thursday) Doug's mom is moving into a nursing home, for the time being. She'll be in therapy to regain strength and help with her balance issues. She's 84, so therapy's no picnic, but she's a gutsy lady.

    And they could find nothing remarkably wrong with her besides this inner ear problem. So that's great!

    Now, to get something written......
    Posted by Katy  on  11/02/06  at  10:18 AM
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