Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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My Money Valentine

If you’ve read the advice of those who want to help you not be parted so easily from your money, you probably know this little gem:

“Back away from the item. Leave it in the store, or in your online shopping cart. Now, go home (or close down the site) and wait one week. Write the item down on a master list of stuff you want. If you still feel you can’t live without this item in a week’s time, go ahead and make the purchase. Chances are that your ardor will cool considerably over seven days.”

Great advice, eh? I can improve upon it.

Three days ago, Doug and I took a saunter through Barnes & Noble. I’d already purchased Doug’s Valentine’s gift, at a cost of $45. At the bookstore, I fell madly and irreversibly in love with two books, and told Doug that if he’d buy me those two books for VD, I’d be the happiest girl alive. Since they totalled about $40, he agreed.

“But then you’ll know what I’m getting you,” he said, making this one small caveat his only objection.

“Trust me,” I answered. “By Valentine’s Day, I will not remember the titles of these books. Or the subjects. I will be completely surprised!”

I put the books out of my mind—apparently, a skill I’m becoming ever more adept at. This morning, sure enough, I thought my husband the cleverest gift-giver in the world! Such unique, thoughtful ideas the man has! Why, he chooses gifts for me that I love every bit as much as if I’d chosen them myself!

Here’s the best part, though: I can use that time-worn piece of money saving advice and make it work double-strength, maybe even triple if I play my receipts right. All I have to do is apply the one-week rule to any purchases I’m considering, and then NOT write down the desired item.

In my case, *out of sight out of mind* just may make us rich.

Posted by Katy on 02/14/07 at 02:43 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I like it!!
    BTW, just to show you how romantic we aren't, we're going out for burgers tonight. And Bruce got me a card and took me to Starbucks this afternoon. I got him a card. That's about it. Why celebrate "us" only one day a year, right? We celebrate every day!
    Posted by Suzan  on  02/14/07  at  03:36 PM
  2. Suzan--Not romantic by whose standards??? You two sound plenty romantic to me, especially the "best friends" part. This year is the FIRST year I have not sent cards to my hubby, three children, and our two mothers. Doug didn't buy me one, either. I've got a Rubbermaid tote full of cards. We can pull them out and go through them and say, "Them's my sentiments exactly!"

    We had a buy one/get one coupon at Caribou, where we also have several gift cards to spend. So, free coffee to celebrate the day!! (Just like yesterday!)

    I got Doug something you would like, Suzan. It's a book/CD published by Levinger's. The CD is the recorded version of Winston Churchill's "Finest Hour" speech, of 18 June 1940. The book is a facsimile of the various edited versions of the speech, with his hand-written edits. Fantastic. Can't wait to go through it with Doug. SO, SO romantic... :)
    Posted by Katy  on  02/14/07  at  03:51 PM
  3. Cool about the Churchill book. I'll have to look it up.

    We enjoyed the burgers. Then we watched, "A Man Called Peter," about the life of minister Peter Marshall. It was a great evening.
    Posted by Suzan  on  02/15/07  at  06:24 AM
  4. Really its a interesting post, I always enjoy reading such posts which provides knowledge based information.
    Posted by Money Maker Ideas  on  07/10/09  at  07:18 PM
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    Posted by Executive gifts  on  01/26/11  at  10:03 PM
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