Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Ten days ago, at the age of forty-nine-and-one-half-years old, I got carded.

(Okay, I may be deaf, but I can hear you laughing from here!)

I can count the times I've purchased alcohol on one hand, but the low-carb kahlua cheesecake my brother-in-law wanted for his birthday left me with no choice but to purchase a big honking bottle of vodka. When duty calls, I answer.

"Are you old enough to buy this?" the check-out lady at Wal-Mart asked. It was the first item I put on the counter, so I thought she might be speaking to the young woman in line in front of me.

"She's probably too young," I laughed, "but I think I'm okay." I kept right on putting items on the counter, not aware the woman was still staring at me until she spoke again.

"I'm going to have to see some ID," she said, unsmiling.

She made me feel so young that since then I've cut way back on my excessive caffeine consumption, started drinking more water, stopped eating my beloved Triscuits (which are filled with trans-fatty acids), lost 3 pounds, joined Curves for Women, and bought an ankle bracelet.

An apt word, spoken in season, brings life to the one who hears it.
Posted by Katy on 06/09/03 at 10:28 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What a tremendous boost to the ego! I bet she was red in the face when she saw your ID :) That was way cool. May you have many more days like that! :)
    Posted by irene  on  06/09/03  at  11:29 PM
  2. I went to buy alcohol on my 21st birthday, just because I could, but I didn't get carded, because the cashier was under 18, so couldn't legally sell it to me. She had to go get her supervisor to bleep the bottle across the scanner for her. In all the excitement, they didn't card me. I feel gypped, sort of...
    Posted by Ellen  on  06/11/03  at  03:14 AM
  3. Irene--It was so weird. She was my age, so she should have been a good judge from years of experience. She didn't act embarassed, though. Maybe Wal-Mart has a rule that they HAVE to card everyone? I can't imagine.<br><br>Ellen--I didn't try to buy alcohol on my 21st, but I would have felt gypped, too! Half (or more) the fun of it is to get carded. I probably didn't buy anthing until I was 30, now that I think of it, and I did get carded then, but I was still fairly young then. Go back when you're 30 and give it another go! I'm predicting there's a thrill out there just waiting for you!
    Posted by katy  on  06/11/03  at  02:11 PM
  4. Sheeesh! The problem for me is that I'm a Youth Pastor and even at 30 people thought I was 16 (guilty be association, I suppose). I would laugh, but on the inside I'd be embarassed/angry. Felt like they were saying I was immature, which was probably immature :) At any rate, now I get teased because I go around telling everyone I'm 40. If I could, I'd hold up 40 fingers too! <br><br>I was carded the other night but I think the waiter thought he might get a better tip, so his motivations are tainted!
    Posted by Tracy  on  06/12/03  at  02:21 PM
  5. That's funny. My wife works as a waitress at TGI friday's where it is company policy to card anyone requesting alcohol who looks under the age of 40. I think it's quite ridiculous, but if you get an image boost from it I guess it can't be all bad.
    Posted by jim  on  09/07/03  at  12:24 AM
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