Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Monday Morning Funnies

This is the kind of stuff that gets said around here, when it’s just Doug and me doing the saying:

Doug, after I’ve evidently just requested that he be my Tech Guy one too many times: “Um, well, I could show you how to do it….”

Katy: “But that defeats the whole purpose of me asking you to do it.”

And then there’s this:

Katy, after reading some medical website that cranked up the paranoia: “Do you think I’m schizophrenic?”

Doug: “Only half the time.”

Posted by Katy on 01/12/09 at 02:30 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. hilarious
    Posted by Terri  on  01/12/09  at  09:13 PM
  2. Aren't we all just a little now and then?
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  01/12/09  at  10:16 PM
  3. I was I was married and could have fun conversations like you guys do.
    Posted by alison  on  01/13/09  at  05:41 PM
  4. Page 1 of 1 pages
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