Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Momeopathic Remedies

Today is the first time I’ve seen my mom since Sunday. I’ve just been too sick to get there, but I don’t think I’m contagious, so I finally decided to haul my sorry behind over to pay a visit.

Mom couldn’t believe that the massive doses of Augmentin don’t seem to be working their magic, and she was as sympathetic as she’s been any time in recent memory. So much so, in fact, that she went into full Protective Mama Bear mode, put on her Doctor Mom hat, and came up with three very extremely ingenious cures.

“You need to laugh more,” she offered. (This coming from a lady who hasn’t let out a good one since 1999.)

“I do?” I asked. “I think I laugh a lot.”

“Oh, you laugh,” she said, “but it’s not the right kind of laughter.”

“It’s not?”

“Is it coming from your heart?”

“Sometimes…” Now I was starting to doubt myself. Here I’d always thought I was a person of excellent cheer, one who believes in the Scriptural principle that laughter is good medicine.

“It won’t cure your ear infection unless it comes from your heart.”

She had me there. We went on to talk about lots of different subjects (my niece’s husband who’s in the hospital, my daughter’s job opportunity with health-impaired kids in our local school district, and the crazy ways parents relate to their teenagers these days).

I told Mom about a lady I used to know who talked about her son as if she was a law enforcement officer. “She was one step away from appearing on Cops,” I said. “Instead of saying she had a fight or an argument or a disagreement with her kid, she said they’d had an altercation.”

Mom chuckled. “She obviously didn’t know how to use that word correctly, did she?” Then she reflected for a moment before continuing. “I think if you were to have an altercation, your ear would be cured.”

I decided to keep the conversation moving forward, at least I hoped that’s the direction it was moving. We ended up talking about my brother John, and how Mom adores him and thinks he’s the most handsome man in the world.

“He came in here last week in his all black suit, black socks, black shoes, and black wool overcoat. I told him he looked fantastic.”

“He’s a good looking guy, all right,” I said.

“And he wears those wrist cuffs,” she added.

“Cuff links?”

“Yes, cuff links. You know what you need? Ear cuffs.”

“Ear cuffs? For my infection?” I thought maybe she was thinking of those earring hoops that fit snugly around your lobe. “How would those help?”

“They’d fill up your ears so there isn’t room for anything else.”

Sometimes, Mom fills my soul till there isn’t room for anything else. And makes me laugh from somewhere deep in my heart.

Posted by Katy on 02/17/06 at 12:58 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. "I think if you were to have an altercation, your ear would be cured." 50 points for Mom. :)

    My grandmother used to say these sorts of things all the time, leaving us speechless, groping for a response. My favorite was the one about the "poultry." Did I ever tell you that story? Let me know if I didn't, and I will.

    You often make me laugh from the heart, Katy. Thanks for the good medicine.
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/17/06  at  03:41 PM
  2. Great story. Thanks for sharing. I did the vote thing. Chose you in all categories you were listed!
    Posted by Sandy  on  02/17/06  at  03:57 PM
  3. You make me want to go to Kansas City for the first time ever just so I could laugh with you. (and wear ear cuffs)
    Posted by relevantgirl  on  02/18/06  at  07:10 AM
  4. I love the term "momeopathic." I will definitely be using that one.
    Posted by Kathryn, the daring one  on  02/18/06  at  05:10 PM
  5. KLLup4G8T6p Bnr5XlQa98 jXtt3eATaBbyJ
    Posted by X4F2Tt0SC9  on  03/11/06  at  08:09 PM
  6. oBC81U8Yoh Ryg8RekodUAtVU DS858hncSKFpq
    Posted by ObtyYwcDP3  on  03/12/06  at  02:24 PM
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