Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Mixing It Up

Although I haven’t really had time to give it much thought yet, it looks like Doug and I will be hosting the McKenna family Thanksgiving event.

There are 35 of us, give or take an absentee young married couple who committed to the in-laws’ party, or a new baby I accidentally forgot to count.

I got myself a new Kitchen Aid Artisan mixer last fall, at the suggestion of my lovely daughter-in-law Brooke. I love it! But my occasions to use it haven’t been too many—until now. One of the reasons I’m eager to host Thanksgiving is because I’m so thankful for that great mixer!

When it comes right down to it, one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is licking the beaters. I’ll cook for a few days running in advance of the holiday, and even if I personally don’t lick beaters coated with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk any more, I guarantee you that someone will.

Poor Doug!

But, truly, is there anything sadder than plunking a heavy-laden-with-a-gooey-concoction-from-heaven beater into a sinkful of greying dishwater?

So, who gets to lick the beaters in your house? Do the kids take turns? Or do they discover Mom out in the garage finishing them off?

Do you have to “be good” to earn a beater? Or is getting one a basic human right?

Is anyone else as thankful for beaters as I am?

Posted by Katy on 11/09/05 at 06:58 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I used to lick the beaters when I was a kid and Mama was cooking. Nowdays, sad to say, I probably cook something that calls for beaters only once every year or so.

    I agree: a fully-laden beater can NOT simply be dumped in dishwater!
    Posted by Ginger  on  11/09/05  at  07:43 AM
  2. Ginger--So what was your favorite thing your Mom made with the mixer? And did you have siblings who rivalled you for the beaters?

    My mother made "Coffee Toffee Bars." They have the exact same thing in Starbucks now. Their bar has the word "almond" in it. The BEST thing a Mom ever made, and got me started on my coffee addiction at a very young age!
    Posted by Katy  on  11/09/05  at  08:21 AM
  3. My question is...how in the world did YOU get stuck with hosting this event? What happened to JOHN?????
    Posted by Bridget  on  11/09/05  at  08:50 AM
  4. Oh, you lucky souls! I was never allowed to lick the beaters because of the raw egg scare and all . . . my mom was always yelling that we'd get some sort of funky disease if we licked anything that hadn't been cooked yet.

    But when she wasn't looking, cookie dough was my favorite. ;-)
    Posted by Amber  on  11/09/05  at  09:30 AM
  5. Oh oh oh...brownie mix. Mmm. Since the age of three, Mom gave the spoons and stuff to me *if* I helped her make the brownies.

    Now...me. When J and I have kids...poor kiddies are gonna have to fight me for it!
    Posted by Lynn  on  11/10/05  at  10:19 AM
  6. Heck, you can't just lick the beater. You've got to lick the whole bowl!
    Posted by Brandy  on  11/11/05  at  08:29 AM
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