Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
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Mercy and Truth

I'm going to put an idea out here and see what happens.

Doug and I have been friends for many years with Steve and Cathy Gordon, here in Kansas City. Steve is the band director at Maranatha Academy, where all three of our kids thrived under his care.

Cathy is a nurse who operates Mercy and Truth, a ministry dedicated to combining quality medical care with the message of the gospel, and delivering it to the needy.

I've gotten involved with one aspect of Mercy and Truth's many endeavors. In fact, I kind of created my own niche and am attempting to fill it, but falling rapidly behind. I asked Cathy if I could crochet baby afghans, so that each new mom who leaves her birthing center can wrap her baby in a handmade blanket. Cathy loved the idea, so I let my fingers do the flying.

She didn't project a huge number of births when I came up with this idea. I gave her the first installment of afghans--nine total--feeling sure I could keep up with her original projections. Then she gave me the update--in 2005, the birthing center expects to usher 50-100 newborns into this world, some of them to mothers as young as fourteen, many of them to high school girls, many more to immigrant moms. All of them living in poverty.

If any of you readers would like to donate even one handmade blanket (crocheted, knitted, quilted--anything made by you!), would you send me an email or a comment? I've got six more afghans ready to give, but I'm quickly falling behind, and I would so appreciate your help!

Cathy says I've got to see the look on the face of a new mom when she's been given a gift by someone she doesn't know. It makes me smile to think about it.

I'll go ahead and put this out here, too: I'm hoping to expand this effort a bit more by purchasing, whenever and wherever I find them, infant-sized outfits, onesies, socks, shoes, hats, sleepers, etc. I think it would be cool for the new moms to be able to pick out an outfit for their baby's going home day, with maybe a bag of Pampers and some Wet Wipes to get them started. Wouldn't that be fun?

I'm a great shopper, and have been known to find darling outfits on a clearance rack for a buck, but again I'm having a hard time keeping up with the need.

For any of my readers in the KC area particularly: If you're looking for a way to get involved in serving the community, you can't beat Mercy and Truth.

Any takers?
Posted by Katy on 01/28/05 at 07:39 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. What a beautiful idea, Katy! Unfortunately, I don't knit or crochet...wish I did. I do hope you get some takers.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  01/28/05  at  02:35 PM
  2. Hey, Cindy--I guess I should have called them "givers," huh? :) Except that with ministries like Mercy and Truth, somehow we always end up receiving more than we give....Meet me at Starbucks and I'll teach you to crochet! (Your state or mine?)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/28/05  at  02:46 PM
  3. Katy, I'd love to make some blankets. How big do you usually make them? I'll get some yarn this weekend and start straightaway.
    Posted by Mary  on  01/28/05  at  04:27 PM
  4. Mary--Yea!!! I'm so excited! Mine end up about 36 inches square. I'm thinking of them as infant-sized, not toddler-sized. If you know any other girls who would want to help, I KNOW Mercy and Truth would be thrilled! Thank you.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/28/05  at  05:03 PM
  5. And I'm really not thinking anyone's going to make a life-long commitment here--unless you want to! One blankie will be just as loved and needed as fifty. Every little blankie is a blessing for a new (struggling) mom, and a comfort to a tiny baby.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/28/05  at  05:05 PM
  6. Like Cindy, I'm crochet-challenged. I've always loved that you've done this, though...glad you're getting others to help out, too. You're like the kid in "Pay It Forward" getting others involved in your project. :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  01/28/05  at  06:18 PM
  7. Mom, I want to help! You taught me how to knit once, right? Help me get started and I will bring them home for you.
    Posted by Carrie  on  01/28/05  at  09:21 PM
  8. Bridgie, If I could keep up, I would! But this "project" quickly grew to proportions too large for one woman! And judging from the tearful responses of the new mothers who can't believe someone made something for their babies, it's a worthy task.

    And today I found darling outfits for $1.50 at Penney's Outlet. I bought a gazillion of them. The lady who checked me out gave me a knowing look and said, "Selling 'em on eBaby, huh?" Nah! That sounds like too much work to me.... :)

    Carrie Woman--The next time you come home, I'll set you up with a skein and an hook. You can do it while you're sitting with patients! Love, love.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/28/05  at  10:15 PM
  9. Katy,
    Do you need them right away or all through the year? I'm working on two for friends who are expecting right now, but when those are done I'd love to contribute one or two. Just let me know.
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  01/28/05  at  10:40 PM
  10. My Other Carrie? This is so great! (My daughter is Carrie Kathleen, so I always do a double take, even though I know you and I agreed that you should be Carrie K.) The way I'm looking at this, I'll crochet for the babies 'til carpal tunnel sets in bigtime--but even if I just tried to provide for the year 2005, we'd be looking at 50-100 afghans scattered throughout the year. Carrie K, when you've got anything you'd like to send me (presuming you're not in KC), let me know!

    A sweet baby and a surpised mom would be very touched by your gift.

    Also, if anyone who crochets would also like to say a few prayers for the baby and family who will get your blankie, so much the better. The families being served by Mercy and Truth are some of the neediest in KC and they--like all of us--need all the prayers they can get.

    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  01/28/05  at  10:50 PM
  11. What a wonderful thing you're doing Katy! I would love to help. Unfortunately, I'm just learning to knit. I've done a scarf and that's it. However, my mother is an excellent knitter. I'll ask her and then email you.
    Posted by Deb  on  01/30/05  at  12:18 AM
  12. I'm crochet-challenged as well, but I think its a great idea! I did however, want to suggest that if you have a Once Upon A Child in your area, check that out for cheap baby clothes and baby-related items. I used to work at one, and while it is generally not $1.50, its still pretty inexpensive.
    Posted by Lindsey  on  01/30/05  at  01:22 AM
  13. Thanks, Deb! When you turn into a lean, mean knitting machine, don't hesitate to let me know! It's kind of addictive.

    Lindsey--I've heard of Once Upon a Child, so there must be one here. I'm going to look it up and check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/31/05  at  12:45 AM
  14. I can crochet. At one time I wanted to start a project like this at our high school for the pregnant group of girls. They have a special
    group and I thought. What a great idea. Teach them to crochet. I haven't done it
    yet but maybe your project will get me motivated. I have only made a baby saque or smock with a hood. Do you think I could manage a baby blanket. I guess if I didn't have to do any increases or decreases. I get so confused on that. It requires math. In fact
    my baby saque, I needed someone to figure out the "increase 10 stitches evenly across rows 2 through 7. I just couldn't get it. But I have it written out for me now. I will go try and find a simple baby blanket pattern right now.
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  02/01/05  at  02:49 PM
  15. Candace--If you can do what you've done, you can definitely do a blankie! I do a shell pattern that only has two rows to repeat. I can do it in my sleep! Nice to do while watching TV, since once you get the little pattern down, your fingers fly without thinking! This would be a great thing to do with the girls at school, too. There's nothing like making something for your baby (or any baby) that really makes you grow in love for that tiny human, don't you think? (BTW, I used to be able to do sweaters and hats and booties but now I think I'd just get confused. I'm all blankies, all the time...)
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/01/05  at  04:16 PM
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