Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Losing It

Holey Bible"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."

It's Sunday at Great Plains Community Church, Pastor Tom is reading one of his favorite Scriptures, and I'm ticking off the syllables.

"I would have cut ten words," I whisper to Doug.

"What are you saying?" he asks.

I'm nearly finished editing a 500-page novel, the second one this spring. I now red-line myself when I speak too floridly, and edit the dialog in my dreams.

"I would have changed it to, 'Now to Him who can do anything."

Don't worry. I'll stick to novels.
Posted by Katy on 05/28/03 at 08:07 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Heh. In my family we have a joke about "cutting every third word" - it stems from a long ago history paper I wrote where I needed to bring my word count down. My mathematically-minded father and sister decided that cutting every third word would work the best, while my writer/editor-mother sharpened her best red pencil... In the end we did end up reducing it by a third! <br><br>Now it's just a family joke. :)
    Posted by Ellen  on  05/29/03  at  03:46 PM
  2. I'll be the F. Scott Fitzgerald to your Ernest Hemingway. ;)<br><br>Thanks for your recent compliment. You already know I'm a fan of your writing.
    Posted by Maria  on  05/29/03  at  07:42 PM
  3. That was too funny. I can't edit my own work, but I can edit others' writings. Perhaps it's got something to do with the fact that I wrote it in the first place, it's my baby and I think every word is already beautifully arranged! Wordiness is probably one of my MAJOR problems though...
    Posted by irene  on  05/30/03  at  10:33 AM
  4. I love that.<br><br>thrive<br>O
    Posted by owen  on  06/06/03  at  11:30 AM
  5. Ellen--It's hilarious to think that the mathematician's method and the editor's method might have equally successful results!<br><br>Maria--Oh, when I write I'm not Hemingway--only when I edit someone else's writing!!<br><br>Irene--You will get better at whacking your own words with age and practice. When you have kids, you realize what little real impact most of your (careless) words have!!<br><br>Owen--Thanks for visiting! I will follow your website, too.<br>
    Posted by katy  on  06/06/03  at  03:23 PM
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