Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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WordServe Literary

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Lording It Over

Of all the mottos one could attach after the name of one's church, campground, plumbing business, or hardware store, the most perplexing has got to be, "Where Jesus Is Lord."

I've done business with my share of Christian-owned establishments over the years. I even keep a copy of the Christian Yellow Pages on hand, just in case. I wish I could say that my experience has been that Jesus manifested Himself in a more Lordly fashion over those businesses than over their secular counterparts, but that would be a lie.

Often, I've seen no evidence of His Lordship over any particular sump pump installation outfit, with or without compelling slogan. Sometimes, the opposite has been true, and it turns out that Jesus's name may have been ill-used to attract the business of naive customers.

In the case of the church, the tagline seems a bit anti-climactic, don't you think? Unless there is a Christian congregation somewhere with the worrisome claim, "Where Jesus Isn't Lord," what's the point? Are the marketing people really trying to say, "Where Jesus Is More Lord Than He Is Wherever You Go to Church"?

If so, they might as well just say it. We're going to figure out that's what they mean eventually, even if we are naive.

The real truth is, of course, that Jesus Is Lord Everywhere, claimed or unclaimed. Bidden or unbidden. Motto or not.
Posted by Katy on 09/26/03 at 10:01 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Well said. I think a lot of times these business think that if they say "Where Jesus is Lord" it gets them off the hook from having to be living proof. I rarely "tell" people that I am a Christian in the hopes that it will give me a greater edge in walking the walk rather than just being a billboard. Thanks for the reminder that we need to live it and not just say it. :-)

    Posted by April  on  09/26/03  at  01:03 PM
  2. Amen, sister. Of all the Christianese phrases out there, this is one of the most troubling to me--especially when quotation marks are used. I think it makes Christians seem not only self-righteous, but unable to use punctuation marks appropriately.
    Posted by Mary  on  09/26/03  at  01:09 PM
  3. April, Yes. We would rather be shown than told, wouldn't we? I just wish that "Where Jesus Is Lord" at least hinted at what I might hope for, but alas. Often, it doesn't.

    Mary--I laughed out loud about the punctuation thing. You are SO RIGHT!
    Posted by katy  on  09/27/03  at  07:57 PM
  4. Katy,

    What a great post! You may never know how much this spoke to me at just the right time in my life. With the experience I am going through right now I found humor in this post and it made me look at things ina whole new light. Thanks for saying the right thing in the right way at the right time!
    Posted by James Mills  on  10/07/03  at  08:28 PM
  5. James, Well. You have encouraged me to keep plugging away...Thanks and best.
    Posted by katy  on  10/11/03  at  11:48 AM
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