Little Kid Within
I’m sitting here at LatteLand on the Plaza in Kansas City, watching the passersby strolling with their very extremely funky umbrellas in the pouring rain.
It’s puddleluscious out there, and I’m in here, way too dry for my own good.
And then it hits me, what I’d spend my considerable piggy-bank money on if I could right this second. I want a yellow rain slicker (the shinier, the better), with the kind of giant metal clasps that enclosed me in my first-grade raincoat.
I also desperately desire plaid Wellies, a matching tartan umbrella (Black Watch will do, since that’s the kilt my dad wore during his stint in the British Army), and—just because I can—a bookbag. Not a backpack. Not a shoulder bag. An old-fashioned, circa 1960 bookbag.
I am smiling like a nut job, but I don’t care. Downpours on the Plaza make me feel like a little girl again, a little girl who just wants to have fun.
What sounds like childhood fun to you today? Any real reason why you can’t have a tiny dream come true?
Posted by
Katy on 09/25/07 at 02:49 PM
Fallible Comments...
- I'd like some gray knee socks. They would make me feel like a kid again. Also, a coke in a small bottle and a frozen milky way bar. At my local Whole Foods, they sell British candy. The Mars bars taste like the milky way bars used to taste when I was a kid.
Every fall they go on sale, and I buy a bunch of spiral notebooks, composition books, and pens. I have way too many blank notebooks and pens, because I mostly use my laptop, but I just can't help myself. Now if the weather would only cooperate (It's 84 degrees here) and the leaves would start to fall...
Posted by Suzan on 09/25/07 at 06:15 PM
- I decided to do something childish today. We're skipping Tae Kwon Do (irresponsible, I know) and going to a matinee of Shrek the 3rd instead. Just me and the kids. It'll give my hubby some desparately needed quiet time, too.
Posted by Carrie K. on 09/25/07 at 07:01 PM
- Suzan--Knee socks are fantastic. With loafers or saddle oxfords, may I ask? Saddles all the way, for me. Polished every night, laces washed once a week. Oh, and school supplies??? Dear Lord. This year, a man from our church caught me practically drooling into the display of Crayons at Walmart. 24-pack for $.19!!! I told him I couldn't justify buying any more crayons, as I have *ahem* quite a few boxes. He pulled $1 out of his pocket and said, "They're a gift from me. Now you don't have to feel guilty!" Isn't that ADORABLE???
Carrie K--There's NOTHING better than settling in for a couple hours of a thick Scottish brogue. NOTHING!!! (That would make me feel like a kid again, with my dad and all my aunts and uncles around...Sadly, all my U.S.-based brogues have exited this life. I have to go to the Old Country now, to my cousins, to have brogues....)
Posted by Katy on 09/25/07 at 09:46 PM
- A bare foot stroll through the meadow in a warm summer rain would be great. That´s what came to mine after reading your post. I had a yellow rain slicker and I well remember Mom scolding me for not wearing. How was I suppose to get wet with that thing on!?
Blessings from Costa Rica
Posted by kathie nolasco on 09/26/07 at 01:52 AM
- gray socks, black penny loafers. Went with my school uniform. Your crayon story is cute! I don't even go there with crayons. I'd never get any writing done if I had Crayolas around.
Posted by Suzan on 09/26/07 at 11:20 AM
- kathie--oooh, that does sound nice! I don't know why I didn't mind wearing the raincoat, but I didn't. Now I DID mind wearing the rubber "leggings" that the geeky kids wore to school when it snowed. (We wore uniform skirts, and Mom didn't want our legs to be bare in a blizzard...) We also wore matching plastic mittens that zipped up TO OUR ELBOWS. So embarassing!! Makes me wish for Cosat Rica, I'll tell you!! Welcome here. :)
Suzan--At the Catholic schools here, we couldn't wear penny loafers till junior year in high school. Until then, saddle oxfords. I won't tell you how many NEW boxes of Crayolas I have here. I'm not saving them for those phantom grandkids, either. They're MINE. :)
Posted by Katy on 09/26/07 at 04:44 PM
- Playing in the rain, hmm? I don't think there is anything that makes me feel more like a kid than playing with Lexi. We danced around today in our underware (well, her in her diaper at least).
How have you been Katy?
Posted by Daniel King on 09/29/07 at 12:37 AM
- I liked the rain boots that went over your shoes.
Posted by thepaintman on 09/29/07 at 06:12 AM
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