Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Let’s Go To The Movies!

Public Service Announcement: If Kansas City is any indication, Pride and Prejudice won’t be in the theaters much longer! In fact, only a couple venues in town are still running it at all.

Doug and I are heading out this afternoon, while the heading’s good. I don’t mind being late to the party, but missing it altogether? I don’t think so.

I’ve heard nothing but GREAT about this show, so if you want to see it on the big screen before you end up doing so in the privacy of your own home, now’s the time, ladies.

And men, of course. All you Mr. Darcys out there, that’s your cue!

Posted by Katy on 01/05/06 at 02:01 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oooo! I want to go see that! My husband and I went to our first in-theatre movie last week (we've been married for 6 years) to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was great!
    Posted by Pattie  on  01/05/06  at  06:18 PM
  2. Hope you enjoyed P&P. FYI, it comes out on DVD in February. Only a few short weeks away!

    Oh, and the soundtrack is lovely. It is now in my iPod.

    Posted by Robin  on  01/05/06  at  09:33 PM
  3. Fear not. Once the cute C.S. Lewis kids and the big monkeys have all left town, you and Doug will still be able to catch that mid-west consciousness-raising classic "Brokeback Mountain" . . . where we hear one of the guys say to the other "Ah wesh ah cood qwit yooo."

    No, haven't seen it. I just love quoting that line.
    Posted by Michael O'Connor  on  01/06/06  at  02:02 AM
  4. Pattie--We haven't seen LWW yet, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Can't wait. As for P&P, it was WONDERFUL!

    Robin--Fabulous!!! Doug couldn't say enough good about it, either. My only problem (and I always forget this until I get in the theater...) is the dumb deaf in one ear thing. I had a REALLY hard time following the dialogue, especially during the ball scene where she and Mr. Darcy exchange repartee. So, the DVD with its sub-titles will give me tremendous joy!

    Michael--You are incorrigible, which is why I love it that you keep coming around! I looked at the movie selection online yesterday and said almost the exact same words to Doug! Except for the quote--somehow I've missed the quote. But I've already said it to the Mr. several times this morning.... Ha!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/06/06  at  07:59 AM
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