Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Lent Went

Well, Lent is nearly over, and this “giving up the Internet” thing was every bit as hard as I imagined it would be. It’s been fruitful in many ways, but I don’t think I’ll be committing to repeating it anytime soon!  :)

I’ve spent some great time with my friends in the real world, some of whom had stopped writing or calling because they kept up with everything they wanted to know about me by reading my blog. Shame on them!!

Now I’m ready to reconnect with my blogging buddies. I’m sorry, but it’s been too long, and I miss my online relationships as much as I’d been missing my offline ones.

Next week, I will be posting a great interview with one of my all-time favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs. Besides writing four Scottish historical novels, she’s now penned a travelogue about the Old Country, which on a single page is able to reduce me to fits of both laughter and weeping. I love authors with this particular talent! I hope you’ll join us, as we’ll be giving away a copy of Liz’s book, My Heart’s In The Lowlands.

This week, though, I’m getting ready for Easter and celebrating Spring by not only cleaning, but also PITCHING. Carrie (who will probably be moving into her new apartment on June 5 in advance of her June 30 wedding to Marc), Doug, and I have been getting rid of more stuff than we even knew we had. I’ve hauled two station wagons full to the thrift store, and have somber plans for a lot more.

The thing is, once you get started you realize you’re working in layers. The first layer is truly trash. The second layer is stuff you used to like or stuff that used to fit, but your taste has changed or your butt’s gotten bigger. (By the way, if you get rid of those pants, you won’t have to keep asking “Does my butt look big in these?”) The third is stuff other people gave you, which you never liked, but you’ve been too nice to ditch it. The fourth layer is stuff you’re storing for other people or “just in case.”

“Just in case” is a big category for me. Just in case Y2K interrupts the supply chain of food and water, not to mention prescription medicines and oxygen for the old folks. Just in case the bird flu epidemic sprouts wings, and we’re quarantined for nigh unto forever. Just in case a nuke takes out downtown KC and all our relatives and half our friends think they should come stay with us in the country. Pillows and blankets and towels, oh my!!

Hey, since when did God die and make me the savior of the universe? I’m gonna stop storing stuff here for Justin Case, whoever the heck he turns out to be.

It’s getting to be slim pickins’ around here, people. If anyone wants a piece of the largesse formerly known as The Raymond Stockpile of Surplus Everything, you’d better get over here, fast.

Once it’s gone, it’s gone. And then Doug and Katy will be free indeed. A couple of laptops, some great books, and some beautiful music. What else do aging baby boomers really need?

OK, loaded gift cards for Starbucks. But that’s another post for another day!

Leave a comment and say “Hi!” if you’re still checking in here. I’d love to know there’s a land of the living to which to return.

Posted by Katy on 04/03/07 at 02:07 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Glad you're back - I missed ya!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  04/03/07  at  03:47 PM
  2. Hi Katy!
    Posted by Suzan  on  04/04/07  at  05:41 AM
  3. Katy,

    We are trying to declutter too! We run our business out of the home and organization is just key! You can do it! Jeane
    Posted by Jeane  on  04/04/07  at  08:02 AM
  4. Carrie K--I will visit you soon!! Probably on Sunday evening.... :)

    Suzan--Hi to you, too!

    Jeane--I so enjoyed meeting you in Sept. at ACFW! (I am friends with Lisa S. and sat next to her at the banquet. She introduced us...) Oh, yeah. The home-based double-couple. That's us, too! Doug has been home (this time) for nine years. We are soon to begin weeding through his business stuff from eons ago. Time to toss it, baby!! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  04/04/07  at  08:40 AM
  5. Hi Katy,

    I've been checking almost every day to see if you've written something new. I'm glad you're back.

    Posted by Anna  on  04/04/07  at  08:54 AM
  6. I don't remember exactly how I stumbled onto your blog, but I thoroughly enjoy and am glad you'll be writing more regularly now.
    Posted by Theresa E. Miller  on  04/04/07  at  05:00 PM
  7. What you think I'd leave and lose my status as Michael 1 of whatever?

    Posted by Michael Main  on  04/05/07  at  09:42 AM
  8. Hi Katy! I've missed reading your blogs. Happy Easter to you and yours!
    Posted by Karen  on  04/05/07  at  11:29 AM
  9. Happpy Easter!!!!
    Posted by Tina  on  04/05/07  at  02:26 PM
  10. Anna--Well, now I'm going to keep on writing, to make your checking worthwhile! :)

    Theresa--How nice of you to leave a comment, and how even nicer of you to read here! Thanks!

    Michael--Your Official Title is "Michael Number One of the Michaels Who Comment Here." At one point, it could be verified that seven Michaels had left comments, so Number One is QUITE an honor. Dubious, but still.... ;)

    Karen--Hey, girlfriend! Looking forward to seeing you soon, I hope! Happy Easter to your family, too. Love you!

    Tina--Thanks for popping in here, and for the encouraging email you sent me. I will keep pressing onward with my novel, and think of you!
    Posted by Katy  on  04/05/07  at  03:10 PM
  11. I thoroughly enjoy and am glad you will be writing more regularly now.
    Posted by Discount Pharmacy  on  09/14/09  at  05:46 AM
  12. Page 1 of 1 pages
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