Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Leave Of Absence

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but I don’t get out much.

OK, if you count ER runs, well then, yeah. I know right where the only working blood pressure cuff is in every ER in town. I think I may even be on the payroll of a few Kansas City hospitals. In fact, by now it would be only fair to have a big fat 401K with my name on it, to which St. Joe Hospital, or maybe Research Medical Center, or possibly Menorah Med Center are contributing 3% per month just because I keep showing up.

I haven’t told you about last Thursday’s trip to the ER because it keeps occurring to me that you might not find my life as hugely exciting as I do. And to keep things interesting, I’m not going to tell you about it now, either.

Suffice it to say that nobody got admitted, so I didn’t get to perform my usual duties as a medical records clerk, respiratory therapist, physical therapy tech, orthopedic consult, and chaplain-in-training.

I can only hope the 3% still got kicked in.

The truth is, we all need a change of scenery now and then, even if we lead thrilling and fulfilled lives as almost-full-time non-professional caregivers.

And if I’m not going to see the green of a hefty retirement fund with my name on it, I might as well see the fabled forty shades of green as the airplane Doug and I are flying in breaks through the clouds and lands in Ireland, don’t you think?

We booked the flight yesterday, just in time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. We leave (and when I say “God willing,” I really mean it) on April 25, and won’t be back until mid-May.

I’ll have more to say about this in the coming weeks, I’m sure. And I hope to blog from Ireland and Scotland because, well, I want to share the happiness in every way I can.

If you happen to be a visitor at any of the hospitals in Kansas City while I’m gone, don’t let on that you miss me, OK? Maybe they won’t notice that I’m not showing up for work.

And I’d really hate to lose that 3%.

Posted by Katy on 03/16/06 at 08:14 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oh, I am so jealous! But you deserve it so much after the year you've had. I can't wait to experience it vicariously through your blog posts!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  03/16/06  at  01:39 PM
  2. Did you get a chance to read any heart-dampening stories?

    Congrats on the up-and-coming trip!
    Posted by Daniel  on  03/16/06  at  02:14 PM
  3. Count me in on the jealous list and I too am looking forward to posts from Scotland and Ireland.
    Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
    Posted by Maria  on  03/16/06  at  07:01 PM
  4. Carrie K--You are one of the main people I thought of when I posted this! And Cindy Swanson, too, who really wants to go to the old country, as well. I don't want to make anyone jealous, believe me. I hope I can "represent," so that you'll almost feel like you've gone, too.

    Daniel--I laughed myself to sleep last night over the book you loaned me. Hugely entertaining. See you next week!

    Maria--You and your hubby have had some great travels, too--and to places I know nothing about. You're so adventurous! Doug and I haven't gotten to travel very much, but boy are we hooked on the old country. I'll tell more about our "addiction" in the days to come.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!
    Posted by Katy  on  03/16/06  at  07:32 PM
  5. To answer your question, Katy, I have been to Ireland twice. The first time I went was back in 97 on a "mission trip." I went with a group of about 70 other students. Along with being my first "mission trip," it holds holds many other firsts for me. Namely, my first bar experience, first cigar, and first, but not last, purging session behind a bar. What can I say, I wanted to give something back to Galway. God I love Ireland.

    The second time I went was a little over two years ago. The fam and I stayed in Dublin at a Jesuit House. The Jesuits who we stayed with are quite famous. Read about their famous discovery:


    Speaking of name dropping, Lindsay and I slept in their bed!
    Posted by Daniel  on  03/16/06  at  11:22 PM
  6. Ahhh, Katy! Have a wonderful time!!! I have a dear friend whose husband had a near death accident many, many years ago. She can and does walk into any hospital as though it's home. She handles it all so well . . . if I even end up in a similar situation, she's the first one I'm gonna call!!!
    Posted by Ame  on  03/17/06  at  01:36 AM
  7. you go, katy! i hope you have a marvelous time. and please put me on the "i sure hope she blogs from over the big pond" list, willya?
    Posted by lisa  on  03/18/06  at  08:25 PM
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