Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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"A Little Romance," Doug says, when perusing the available movies on cable last night. "What is that?"

"It's the one you like, remember?" I say.

And so we watch the tale for the first time since it came out in 1979, when we were still--for all intents and purposes--newlyweds. It is the last movie for Sir Laurence Olivier, and the first for Diane Lane, who plays a thirteen-year-old girl who falls in love with a boy in Paris.

The girl must leave soon, to go back to America, and so the young couple devises a plan to ensure that their love will last forever. They make their way to Venice, where they will ride a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset, while the church bells chime.

They will kiss under the bridge, and when they do, their love is sealed. Nothing can separate them now.

My husband loved this movie when we were young. We'd lost his father by then, and our first baby to miscarriage. I was precariously pregnant with Scott.

Perhaps Doug wondered if we needed something to seal our love forever.

Twenty-four years have passed, and we're watching A Little Romance once more. When the teenagers kiss under the bridge, we turn away to share our own kiss. On the other side, we are both in tears.

"I'll take you there," he says. "To the Bridge of Sighs."

"You don't need to," I say. "You've loved me here, every day, all these years."

We sigh. Our love is sealed forever.

Posted by Katy on 08/01/03 at 07:29 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. makes me want to rent the movie -- i love you guys -- wish we could see each other more often. i hope to come to the shower for sarah. looking forward to it.
    Posted by marilyn cox  on  08/01/03  at  02:06 PM
  2. Marilyn--How honored I am to have you visit here! It will be even more fun to see you at the shower--so hope you can make it!
    Posted by katy  on  08/01/03  at  05:11 PM
  3. Maria--That is hilarious! How in the world did you happen upon both Scott and me--do you remember? Have you read his other blog--Instant Loser? It's the most beautiful writing I've ever read.
    Posted by katy  on  08/01/03  at  05:13 PM
  4. I very recently discovered that Scott Raymond is your son. I have enjoyed much of his writing, and was bemused when I saw that he had a link to "Mom" in his links list. And lo and behold! You're his mom! <br><br>Sorry. Simple minds, simple pleasures.
    Posted by Maria  on  08/01/03  at  10:15 PM
  5. Katy, I came across your weblog first. I believe I had stumbled across a Christian satire site, and then was directed to Blogs for God, which took me somewhere else, and then I saw "Fallible.com". Finding the URL interesting, I clicked, and now, obviously, I frequent your wonderfully written weblog (wow! ;).<br><br>I came across Scott's weblog as a link from Sarah Hatter's weblog (www.sarahhatter.com). <br><br>I did read through Instant Loser earlier. What a heartbreaking but beautiful account.
    Posted by Maria  on  08/02/03  at  04:28 PM
  6. that was beautiful, katy! reading your blog just made my morning. :)<br>warm regards from manila.
    Posted by val  on  08/02/03  at  10:09 PM
  7. Maria--I think that is a wild and crazy story. And I believe it!<br><br>Val--I'm so glad you're here! I am now enjoying your site, too. Thanks.
    Posted by katy  on  08/06/03  at  01:58 PM
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