Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Katy McKenna For President

Look, people. If it’s experience you want, consider this. Barack and Sarah are babes in arms compared to me. I’m fifty-freakin’-four-years old. That extra 8-10 years packs a wallop when it comes to wisdom.

I’ve had political experience out the wazoo. I was elected Secretary (is that how you spell that?) and then President of the Student Council at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City. My responsibilities, which I carried out flawlessly, included reading the names of those staying after school for detention over the PA system every afternoon and lobbying for ever shorter plaid uniform skirts.

I don’t believe in name dropping or anything, but I DID go to the same high school as Kate Spade. I’m just sayin’.

In addition, I think it’s time for the Irish Catholic thing to make a come-back, don’t you? I mean, Kennedy was a LONG time ago and Geraldine had the bad-hair thing going on. But forget Biden. If we’re talkin’ CHANGE, how about an Irish Catholic WOMAN for a change?

I mean, why not kill a WHOLE bunch of birds with one pull of the lever?

Speaking of killing, which—unlike Sarah—I have NOT done, I’ve shot tin cans to heck and back with a real gun and wrapped a boa constrictor around my neck on a dare. I’ve also ridden on a motorcycle from here to Iowa, and if I remember right, it was in one of those ever shorter plaid uniform skirts.

And just in case it’s good looking you’re after, let’s be completely honest here. I AM your woman.

I hereby declare my candidacy:


Posted by Katy on 09/03/08 at 05:27 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I'm writing in your name! I wasn't going to vote for prez this time around, but now, I have a great option!!
    Posted by Suzan  on  09/03/08  at  06:15 PM
  2. Suzan--I promise you (although, interestingly, you did not ask) there will be all kinds of bennies in it for you if I can count on your vote. Maybe even an ambassadorship. Have your peeps call my peeps.
    Posted by Katy  on  09/03/08  at  06:19 PM
  3. Hey. The world has gone wonky anyway. You'll fit right in.

    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  09/03/08  at  06:57 PM
  4. Okay. But Democrat or Republican? Or are you just going to be an entity unto yourself? How about the Why Can't We All Just Get Along Party?
    Posted by Cathy West  on  09/04/08  at  12:43 AM
  5. (Guffawing) Great post, Katy. You do seem to have the leadership experience, the shooting experience, and plain ol' guts. The only thing that seems to be missing are the campaign buttons. Oh, and the sixty-million dollar jet to fly you across country and back on the weekends. (Unless that's coming up in the next post?)
    Posted by Gracie  on  09/04/08  at  03:13 AM
  6. Hee, hee. I love it! (Of course I KNOW Kate Spade...maybe I'm qualified to run, too. Not to mention that David Cook went to my college, worked at our movie theater, and played in all our local bars. How's that for name-dropping?!)
    Posted by Bridget  on  09/04/08  at  10:54 AM
  7. Katy McKenna for President! I am SO on board with this! :)
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  09/04/08  at  11:59 AM
  8. Katy - that's hilarious! You've got my vote! And by the way, congrats on finishing the book. Now on to the next one entitled: "My Years in the White House"!
    Posted by Lynn  on  09/04/08  at  11:34 PM
  9. Katy, I'd vote for you! I think our country could do with a good cup of common sense topped with a dollop of wisdom and sprinkled with wit.
    Posted by Joshua  on  09/05/08  at  02:51 AM
  10. Yeah, yeah...but what's your real position on neo-Pythagorean foosball? And, why did M&M;'s do that blue deal, if your so smart? Sorry, Sweetie Pie. It takes a lot more than good shootin' to get my vote. PS: Tell Mr. Stufflebowl I said happy B-day. Love ya!
    Posted by James  on  09/09/08  at  08:04 PM
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