Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Just Terrible

Doug's running out the door to a business meeting. He gets a little flustered at times like this, because the phone always rings at the last second when he's supposed to be in the car already, and then he can't find his keys or his wallet, and then he catches his reflection in the mirror and figures out that he forgot to shave.

Still, I have to say I'm shocked by what he says to me just now, instead of his usual gooey good-bye.

"I love you terribly."

That's right. A deer caught in the headlights has nothing on him. I stare at him a moment and wait, but he's silent. Stunned. Apparently unable to extricate himself from the sticky linguistic morass in which he now finds himself.

"Huh," I say finally. "Well, I love you more terribly than you love me! So there!"

In case you're wondering, if there's anything that man has down-pat, it's love.

(Happy 28th Anniversary, babe. I'm all about the D...)
Posted by Katy on 02/18/05 at 01:11 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Happy Anniversary, Katy and Doug! We're approaching our 26th. There's nothing terrible about being loved terribly. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/19/05  at  09:06 PM
  2. At least one of the definitions given for terrible is "Extremely formidable". My love for Katy grows formidabler every year!

    Jeanne - Happy almost 26th! I enjoyed your dream article at The Master's Artist.
    Posted by Doug Raymond  on  02/20/05  at  01:45 AM
  3. I've got to hand it to Doug. His love is growing formidibler and more terrible all the time...

    Jeanne--Your blog is entertaining, inspirational and tear-producing. My favorite kind! Thanks.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/20/05  at  09:04 PM
  4. And congrats, Katy, on your mention in print! Or maybe I should say, "Nice blurb!"

    Flipping through a special edition of Writer's Digest at Barnes and Noble tonight for an article on blogs, I came across yours among two others given.

    I guess this means you'll be charging more for the insights now...
    Posted by Mick  on  02/21/05  at  05:09 AM
  5. Happy Anniversary to you! I just found your beautiful blog and love what I see. The design is great, and the content even better!

    I would love it if you visited my blog(s) and got in touch with me. I hope you do. I couldn't find your email on here, that's why I posted here for all the world to see :)

    Posted by Stacy L. Harp  on  02/21/05  at  05:13 AM
  6. Mick--WOW! I'd better get me to a Barnes & Noble! I wouldn't know about this unless you'd stopped by here and told me...Thanks! (I wonder how they found my blog?)

    Stacy--Welcome! I will enjoy checking out your blog, and thanks for the nice compliments. Please come back soon...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/21/05  at  12:51 PM
  7. Thank you, Doug and Katy. I love the way blogs allow us to connect with writers we might otherwise never "know." Keep on loving terribly and writing beautifully! :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/21/05  at  07:33 PM
  8. Happy Anniversary, you two crazy lovebirds. :)
    Posted by Amber  on  02/21/05  at  09:42 PM
  9. Page 1 of 1 pages
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