Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Jet Nag

We are home from Switzerland and have simultaneously exchanged one Revolving Door Kid with another.

I’m telling you what. This is a LOT of transition for an old chick, folks. I knew that Carrie and all her stuff would be departing in a U-Haul the same day we witnessed Kevin graduated in Montreux, but I did NOT anticipate how much I’d miss her welcome presence in our home.

Kevin and all his stuff has landed upstairs now, which is fantastic. Except that Carrie kept more “adult” hours than Kev does. And I tend to wait up, no matter how late the waiting takes.

And of course because of the jet lag coming back to the States, I tend to wake up by four a.m., no matter how late I stayed up the night before, which—just so you know—was one.

I’ll get it back together, and not a moment too soon, I’m thinking. Carrie and Marc get married two weeks from this Saturday! All night short (since there were only three hours involved), I obsessed in my sleep about flowers and tux fittings and sound system rentals and twinkle lights and slideshows and waterweight and actual weight.

OK, I admit it. Mostly I obsessed about actual weight. (Don’t ask.)

Today, running on no sleep whatsoever, I will tackle some of the remaining items on my list. Because that’s the kind of Mom I am!!! And because I hope to sleep a little better tonight.

Thanks for all your fun comments while we were away. It’s great to have Kevin back on this side of the pond, though that old song keeps running through my O/C brain like a mantra:

“How you gonna’ keep ‘em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?”

The truth? You ain’t. Scott turned 28 yesterday, and that—on top of milestones galore—really got me to thinking.

I don’t have any babies anymore, and that’s as it should be. I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on Scott and felt the strange bittersweetness of his unique and separate identity.

These birdies were meant to fly.

Posted by Katy on 06/13/07 at 05:20 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Welcome home! Photos?
    Posted by Suzan  on  06/13/07  at  09:18 AM
  2. Your kids can't possibly be this old. After all, I babysat them, changed their diapers, etc. etc. That makes ME old, and I'm not ready to consider that yet.
    I'm so glad that you all made it home safely!
    Posted by Bridget  on  06/13/07  at  10:27 AM
  3. Welcome home, Katy! That sure is a lot of transitioning all at one go... will pray for strength ;)
    Posted by Sunflower  on  06/14/07  at  12:35 AM
  4. hello again katy..you sure have been busy! i was laughing at the story of your mom and her sonic coney today after a wendy's run with our kiddos. blessings as you gear up for wedding #2 lady!
    Posted by lisa  on  06/14/07  at  10:38 PM
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