Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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It’s The Meme Thing!

My new friend Christa Allen tagged me to do a meme. Because I felt an instant kinship upon my online meeting with her, I agreed.

Here are the instructions: “Find the book that is nearest to you. Turn to page 123. Read five sentences, then write the next three. It must be the book NEAREST you right now. No cheating!!!”

It was the “No cheating!!!” clause that got me. Ever since I read the meme rules, I’ve been tempted to cheat my brains out.

The book nearest to me did not happen to be The Holy Bible. Or “My Utmost for His Highest.” Or any other devotional-type book, like one by Max Lucado or something.

What can I say? I’m afraid I keep Dave Barry nearby. Garrison Keillor is close, too. And others of their ilk.

So I almost cheated. I found Utmost on my shelf and nearly presented you with Oswald Chambers’ profound insights on surrendering utterly to God’s will, after which I would have expounded on how it must be more than coincidental that his words so perfectly reflect what God is doing in my life right this minute.

But I couldn’t go through with it. Instead, I offer you lines from the book actually nearest me. And believe me, fallible readers, these are words to live by just as certainly as if I were reading something…else.

“A reader once wrote to Ann Landers asking her advice about what she should do if a married man had a heart attack while having sex with her in the bed. Do you have any idea what the odds are of that happening? About the same as Mister Rogers dancing on the table with Madonna.” Erma Bombek, All I Know About Animal Behavior I Learned in Loehmann’s Dressing Room

So there you have it. No cheating!!! Anybody else wanna play?

Posted by Katy on 02/19/08 at 07:49 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Okay, if you don't count a spelling book that is open ready for students to grade, the book on my desk is one called "Do You Know the Monkey Man?" It's a Mark Twain nominee for Middle School students. Here goes the lines...
    "And here were, two girls alone in the big city. We could get hit by a car or something up here and no one would ever know because no one even knew we were here. Unlike Clearwater or Hill Valley, there were real dangers in a place like Minneapolis.
    Posted by Bridget  on  02/19/08  at  01:51 PM
  2. I want to play, but the nearest book to me is the phone book. ;-)
    Posted by Kathryn Harris  on  02/19/08  at  03:32 PM
  3. Well, no wonder your site's blocked on my school web filter! Tsk.Tsk. :-}

    from your new friend Christa
    Posted by christa Allan  on  02/20/08  at  05:06 PM
  4. Does page 124 count? Page 123 is blank. Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis was in my laptop bag with my Bible and journal (but it was on top of those, thus making it technically closest.)

    "Something involving God making peace with the world and creation being reclaimed and everything in heaven and earth being brought back into harmony with its creator. Before all the big language and grand claims, the story of Jesus was about a Jewish man, living in a Jewish region among Jewish people, calling people back to the way of a Jewish God. When I first began to realize that Jesus was Jewish, I thought, No way; He was a Christian."
    Posted by joshua  on  02/22/08  at  09:31 AM
  5. Bridget--Fun story! It reminds me of that radio ad for Geico, I think. Where the guy says "You could put your eye out or something..." :)

    Kathryn--The phone book is a great reference for character names, so that's something....

    Christa--I KNOW!!! Can I help it if these books with the naughty words appear by my bedside and then magically on my blog??? It's not MY fault!!

    Joshua--I've been wanting to read that book! Thank you for reminding me of it....And, I really love it that you carry a journal. My kind of guy.
    Posted by Katy  on  02/23/08  at  06:58 PM
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    Posted by jimy  on  09/09/10  at  07:37 AM
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